Buying and Selling Information: A Guide for Information Professionals and Salespeople to Build Mutual Success
At some point in your career, you’ll probably be responsible for spending part of your organization’s budget on information services and products. With more than 30 years selling information to a wide variety of libraries, Michael Gruenberg will discuss the buying and selling process from both sides of the negotiating table to help you understand the dynamics of a successful transaction. His presentation will shed light on the importance of relationships, some harsh realities of the business world, and the “music” of the sales experience; giving librarians and salespeople alike a better idea of what the “other guy” is grappling with in order to achieve the best possible outcome for everyone involved.
Monday, September 22, 2014
Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm Pacific Time
Location: Online via Blackboard Collaborate
URL: join live session