Looking Back on the Preserving Virtual Worlds Projects
Preserving Virtual Worlds has been a six-year effort: two projects, two funders, and four participating universities. It began in 2006 with a grant application and the goal of clearing a path for work on the preservation of virtual worlds, digital games, and interactive fiction. It just ended with the last advisory group meeting and report. Did we meet our goal? And even if we did, what important work remains to be done in these areas?
RSVP: Although space is ‘virtually’ unlimited, please RSVP to either Matt Carmichael at mcar1996@gmail.com or Dr. Pat Franks at patricia.franks@sjsu.edu
Note: If you are new to Second Life or have not been in SL in a while, you can contact our VCARA Student Assistant, Matt Carmichael, at mcar1996@gmail.com to arrange a time to meet for basic instructions (e.g., practice flying, test audio, tour VCARA).