Blockchain MOOC
Blockchain and Decentralization for the Information Industries
Massive Open Online Course
The MOOC program at the San José State University School Information brings individuals from diverse backgrounds and geographic regions together in an interactive online learning environment to explore the latest trends in the information professions.
MOOC participants do not earn college credit. The open online course is available to the public for free as professional development learning experience.
MOOC Program Highlights
- Complete all coursework 100% online
- Enroll for free
- Explore emerging trends in the information professions
- Engage in a collaborative learning environment
- Use technology to interact with classmates and complete assignments
- Earn a certificate of completion at the end of the course
Course Description
The Blockchain and Decentralization for the Information Industries MOOC introduces the technologies behind Blockchain, outlines guidelines for how and where Blockchain might be used within the information professions, discusses other related emerging systems, and generally makes participants more capable of critically evaluating claims and services regarding Blockchain.
The Blockchain MOOC was held from March 11 to April 21, 2019. The six-week course covered topics, including:
- Overview and history of Blockchain
- Standards, legalities, security
- Related Blockchain-like systems, decentralization
- Limits of the technology, ethical concerns, new types of proofs
- Use cases in public libraries, academic libraries, museums, archives
- Future directions
Learning Outcomes
Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
- Understand and explain the basic concepts behind Blockchain and decentralized systems;
- Critically evaluate the benefits and challenges of services built on top of these systems;
- Be prepared to do further research and/or experiment with existing Blockchain-based systems.
The Blockchain MOOC was taught by Jason Griffey, an affiliate for metaLAB at Harvard. Griffey been researching, writing, and speaking about Blockchain and Decentralized technologies since 2015, and he recently delivered the opening keynote during the iSchool-sponsored Library 2.018 Blockchain web conference.
Online Learning Platform
The Blockchain MOOC was hosted on the Canvas Network. For more information about the Canvas Network, please visit:
Course Content
The content of this MOOC is publicly available, except for discussions and quizzes. Anyone can view the course (in read-only format) without logging in to the Canvas Network.
iSchool Explores Emerging Technology with Blockchain MOOC
Published: June 23, 2019 by guest blogger Greta Snyder
This spring 2019, SJSU iSchool offered a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) on Blockchain & Decentralization for the Information Industries. Designed and led by Jason Griffey, a prominent advocate for blockchain research in the information services field, this innovative MOOC was made possible thanks to a grant secured by iSchool Director Dr. Sandra Hirsh and iSchool Lecturer Dr. Sue Alman from Institute of Museum and Library Services to further research into the applicability of blockchain to information services.
Alman, Hirsh Publish Book on Blockchain Technology
Blockchain technology may be the wave of the future in libraries, and Drs. Sue Alman and Sandra Hirsh of the San José State University School of Information want to help bring it to the forefront of professional discussion and implementation through a book in the American Library Association’s Library Futures series.