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Career Blog

Alternative LIS Career Spotlight: Working at OverDrive

Woman reading e-book on tablet

Published: April 19, 2023 by Hannah Nguyen

The unprecedented events of the past few years caused many libraries to close to the public, resulting in a massive increase in digital library usage. The company OverDrive provides the largest digital media catalog in the world to libraries and schools through their award-winning app Libby. They are a certified B Corporation dedicated to improving literacy and supporting libraries and schools with their shared vision. I spoke with Mike Dresch, the recruiting manager at OverDrive about what it’s like to work for them and why information professionals in particular will find this work rewarding.

Blog Post

Maximizing Group Work While at the iSchool

Published: April 6, 2023 by Kesheena Doctor

One facet of the iSchool and our future career as librarians is working with others. Though group work can be very enjoyable and rewarding, it is also very easy to fall into traps that can be detrimental to a group’s success. I’d like to share some tips and strategies for effective online group work that I’ve gained from my past experience as a volunteer and as a project leader for various jobs. 

Career Blog

Alternative LIS Career Spotlight: Working at EBSCO


Published: March 23, 2023 by Hannah Nguyen

Have you ever explored working for a library vendor? Vendors in the library and information science space make a massive impact by serving libraries all over the world. Many of these organizations share the same philosophy and goals as information professionals, and your experience and field of study should make you a competitive candidate. I spoke with Tammy Ross, the Senior Product Marketing Manager at EBSCO Information Services (and iSchool alumni) about her career with one of the largest research database vendors serving libraries.


iSchool Students Supported Every Step of their Learning Journey
Student Services Team Expands Services with Live Chat, Personalized Coaching, and Spanish-Speaking Advising

Student Services Team members

As the front line of student support for San José State University’s School of Information, the Student Services Team is consistently innovating to meet and anticipate the needs of its diverse population. To enhance its reach, the team has recently expanded in size and scope. The addition of two new staff members and increased engagement platforms has amplified access to the team’s services and resources.

Career Blog

Getting Started in Medical Librarianship – Q & A with Katie Eidem

Image of book open in medical library

Published: February 22, 2023 by Hannah Nguyen

Have you been curious about medical librarianship? Medical libraries fit under the umbrella of special libraries and allow you to support the medical community by improving access to critical health and medical information. On any given day, you might be working with patients, practitioners, students, or the general public. Although many medical librarians have degrees related to the medical field, it isn’t a requirement. So how should you get started?

iStudent Blog

Q & A with the iSchool’s First Generation Student Group

Samantha Harteau

Published: February 20, 2023 by Kesheena Doctor

As a first-generation student, I found grad school to be tricky to navigate, even at the iSchool. However, I found the SJSU iSchool’s First Generation Student Group and received support in my first year. Formed in 2017, the First Gen Student Group aims to help MLIS students network and build bonds to help them succeed. I chatted with the group’s Chair, Laura Garand, and the group’s Blog Editor, Samantha Harteau, about the group, its mission and goals.

Community Profile

Organizing Archives with Junia Papas 

Junia Papas 

“I’m just so grateful to San José State University. I think they prepared me very well. That’s something I really wanted to say because there was all this vast information I didn’t know and they really got me prepared correctly so when I got on the scene, working a real job, I felt really confident that I’d be able to do it.”

Junia Papas, ‘18 MARA 
Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan  

Community Profile

Finding Success in Academic Libraries with Dominique Dozier

“No one has been in my position. I’m the first one. But I’m creating it. I am figuring things out. I’m using the tools that I learned in iSchool. I’m applying all this knowledge and trying to support the students and faculty the best way that I can.”

Dominique Dozier, ‘21 MLIS
Santa Clara, CA 

Community Profile

Finding Support Through Library School with Alejandra Reyes

Alejandra Reyes

“I’ve learned that librarianship is about building relationships. Yes, we have a lot of resources. But as a librarian, it is our job to like to see which resources work for each specific person. Librarians have to be adaptable – they always tell you to have a backup plan because you never know. I feel like that’s what we are. We’re adaptable. We’re flexible. We’re ready to help.”

Alejandra Reyes, ‘20 MLIS 
Los Angeles, CA 

Community Profile

Alessandra Gonzalez on Working as a Library Communications Manager

“The degree helped, but everything outside of it just put me onto another level – all the experience, all the people I connected with, the opportunities that came from joining clubs and working is unreal. I honestly don’t think I’d have all the opportunities I have right now if I didn’t get involved or put myself out there.”

Alessandra Gonzalez, MLIS ‘21
Anaheim, CA

iStudent Blog

How Our Latinx and Spanish-Speaking Communities Continue to Positively Impact Libraries Today

Dr. Romelia Salias

Published: November 18, 2022 by Eori Tokunaga

In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, the San José State University iSchool presented an EDI symposium on October 11th, 2022, titled “Unifying the Information Community,” featuring keynote speaker REFORMA 2022-2023 National President Dr. Romelia Salinas; David Lopez, Marketing and Communications Librarian for Orange County Public Library; Roma Calatayud-Stocks, award-winning author; Madeline Peña Feliz, Associate Director for Los Angeles Public Library, Mario Ascencio, College Librarian and Managing Director at Art Center College of Design, Dr. Michele Villagran, Assistant Professor at SJSU iSchool; and Jose Aguiñaga, Assistant Professor at SJSU iSchool.

Community Profile

Empowering Communities through Digital Library Services with Kristen Chua

Kristen Chua

“A lot of my projects involve thinking about how systems and technologies can be designed or improved to better connect people to the information they need. The Informatics program has made me a better analyst, information professional, and researcher through courses focusing on human-centered design, data management, project management, and computer networking. These classes have helped me think about what solutions are not only helpful but also possible.”

Kristen Chua
MS in Informatics, ‘23 Spring 

Community Profile

Championing Student Success with Chris Lopez

Chris Lopez

“You have to ask yourself, what’s the Counseling Center doing? What’s the Women’s Resource Center doing? What’s the LGBTQ Center doing? How can I partner with them, because they’re getting to that holistic side of the student? They’re speaking to that and that’s where I want to help them see that the library is like a co-conspirator.”

Chris Lopez, ‘21 MLIS 


Welcome to MARA 2022 – 2023!

Melissa Prunty Kemp

Published: August 18, 2022 by Melissa Prunty Kemp

Welcome new and continuing students to MARA 2022 -2023! We’re back for another exciting year of classes and professional activities. If this is your first semester,  you may wonder where to get started in and outside of classes.


Fall Course Fees Reduced Thanks to Generous Scholarships

Regina McQuiston's infographic

New and matriculated students enrolled in the San José State University School of Information’s master’s degree and bachelor’s degree programs are starting the fall semester with a little less financial worry. The SJSU iSchool recognized its exceptional students with 72 scholarships ranging from $750 to $3,000 each. Dr. Mary Ann Harlan, co-chair of the Scholarship Committee said, “Awarding scholarships is always an amazing opportunity to see the wonderful diversity and quality of iSchool students.”