iSchool Minimum Instructional Expectations for All Faculty
The items contained in this document reinforce and supplement expectations found in the iSchool Faculty Handbook and information for faculty available from the SJSU University Personnel website.
Teaching Expectations (for all faculty)
- provide a syllabus using the online template provided by iSchool for form and substance; the syllabus should also meet the university’s guidelines.
- submit textbook selections (required, recommended, none) by the deadline using the template provided by iSchool
- fulfill assignment and grading obligations as contained in your syllabus, in a timely manner and submit final grades by the deadlines established
- release course content on a pre-established schedule
- fulfill your personal availability (“office hours”) as they are scheduled each semester
- provide instructor-generated content within the course per the iSchool recorded content policy; ensure ADA compliance
- show ongoing presence in the class (such as through email, discussion forums, announcements, substantive feedback)
- provide feedback on student progress within first third of the semester
- adhere to established class schedule with advance notice to students of schedule changes
- when working with a student on either a thesis or a special study, commit the requisite amount of time needed to ensure a successful completion of the project
- incorporate your own research and professional knowledge and experience in the class materials/meetings
- meet the iSchool written online teaching standards
- keep student opinion of teaching effectiveness (SOTE) ratings at 4.0 or higher
- submit class requests for teaching assignments for upcoming terms when requested
Communication Expectations
- communicate with students, colleagues and staff in a respectful and timely (i.e., within 48 hours) manner
- when out of communication for an extended period of time set an automatic response to email and voice messages unless you are planning on checking/answering at regular intervals. Otherwise alert students to times when you will be unavailable
- respond in a timely manner to requests for information from administrative and technical staff
Professional Development
- attend at least one of the iSchool faculty training sessions (T3) each semester–either live or via the recording–and submit a feedback form.