T3 Teaching Workshops


T3 Teaching Workshops
Teaching Tips & Techniques

San José State University School of Information T3 (Teaching Tips & Techniques) Series 

The T3 Series, developed in response to the recommendations that were made in the 2012 iSchool Faculty Technology Use Survey Report, offers faculty training in key areas related to teaching in an online environment. The topics are selected from the suggestions made by faculty, and the sessions are led by colleagues and other professionals who have expertise in the use of existing services and technologies. Plan to join one or more of the T3 Series sessions. All sessions are recorded and available in the T3 Archive located in the Canvas Faculty site.

Instructional Expectations for All Faculty

iSchool Teaching Requirement
In order to ensure that all iSchool teaching faculty keep up their technology skills and provide our students with the best online experience, all faculty who want to continue to teach for the iSchool will be required to attend at least one of the training sessions each semester — either live or via the recording. Participants of both the live and recorded sessions are required to complete a feedback form as proof of attending.  You may also complete the T3 requirement by viewing any of the previous sessions that are located in the T3 Archive on the Canvas iSchool Faculty site (and completing a feedback form as proof of attending.)

iSchool T3 Substitution Policy: Each faculty member is required to participate in one of the T3 sessions developed and offered by the iSchool each term. Credit for participation is for T3 sessions only. There are many other workshops beneficial to teaching and learning, and faculty are encouraged to participate in these supplemental sessions without T3 credit. 

T3 Sessions

Fall 2024

Session Title: Canvas Tips: New Discussion Features & More!

DATE: Wednesday, September 25 @ 11:00 am PT

Perpetual Zoom Link:  https://sjsu.zoom.us/j/81665136502?
Perpetual Password: T3iSchool

Overview:   Have you noticed Canvas discussion boards have new features? Does that change how you use your gradebook? What about using rubrics with discussion? Got questions on your course home page or how to lay out your modules in Canvas? What new tools or tech should you integrate with your curriculum?  Come to this session for an overview on  these topics and more. Bethany will walk through some of the  new discussion board  features, recap her evergreen advice for best practices in designing your Canvas courses, and offer some easy suggestions on how to integrate the use of generative AI. 

Presenter: Bethany Winslow

Session Title: Creating an Open Education Resource (OER) for INFO 202: Blending User Research, Curriculum Design Principles, and Experiential Learning

Date: Thursday, October 10 @ 11 am PT

Perpetual Zoom Link:  https://sjsu.zoom.us/j/81665136502?
Perpetual Password: T3iSchool

Overview:  Dr. Virginia Tucker will present on the research methods and design principles applied when creating her recent book, Design Concepts in Information Retrieval: Creating User-centered Systems, Search Engines, and Sites. Written during her sabbatical in Spring 2024, the book has been published as an open education resource (OER) and is now the required text for the MLIS core course, INFO 202 Information Retrieval System Design. The book is multimedia, with 31 embedded videos and 32 supplemental readings that support the written narrative (234 pages). It is free to download from the INFO 202 course blog. Ensuring high quality for the book involved multiple stages of user research and testing, peer reviews by subject domain experts, accessibility testing, professional copyediting, and integration with the course’s hands-on learning activities. Tucker positioned the book so that it could be used by others interested in its content, using a bifurcated approach to materials requiring copyright compliance. The work was funded by RSCA research assistantship and Affordable Learning Solutions grants.

Presenter: Dr. Virginia Tucker

Session Title: iSpy on iSchool Core Curricula 

Date: Tuesday, November 5 @ 11 am PT

Perpetual Zoom Link:  https://sjsu.zoom.us/j/81665136502?
Perpetual Password: T3iSchool

Overview: How much do you know about INFO 203 Online Learning and INFO 200 Information Communities? These are two of the core classes all new MLIS students take in their first or second semester. One explores current online technologies and strategies for success in the digital world, while the other examines information communities in a broader context of information behavior and the social, cultural, economic, technological, and political forces that shape their information access and use. Our speakers will be Michael Stephens and Bethany Winslow, the course coordinators, who will share what is covered in those courses, why, and how the topics have and will continue to evolve. Bring your questions, suggestions and insights to the conversation!

Presenters: Bethany Winslow and Michael Stephens

Sessions offered through SJSU’s eCampus
(separate registration required)

Please register for any workshop directly on the eCampus website by clicking the link included with each workshop listed, and complete the evaluation form when you have taken the workshop.
A recording and evaluation link is available for asynchronous viewing of T3 sessions.
Each T3 session is available in the T3 Archive located in the Canvas iSchool Faculty site.


Available Workshops