iSchool Director Dr. Ken Haycock Receives 2010 ALISE Award for Professional Contribution to LIS Education
Dr. Ken Haycock, Professor and Director of the San José State University School of Information, received the 2010 ALISE Award for Professional Contribution to LIS Education. The award recognizes sustained efforts to strengthen Library and Information Science (LIS) education.
Chair of the award committee, Dr. Suzie Allard, noted that the award honors Haycock’s leadership in LIS education by establishing the nation’s first Executive MLIS program, first fully online Master of Archives and Records Administration degree program, and a unique international doctoral partnership with Queensland University of Technology in Australia — all accomplished over the last five years as he led the San José State University School of Library and Information Science. The committee also noted Haycock’s accomplishments while serving as Director of the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies at the University of British Columbia from 1992-2002, including establishing a multidisciplinary master’s degree in children’s literature, a First Nations (aboriginal) concentration, a joint MLIS/Master of Archival Studies program, and a stand-alone PhD program with two streams (Archival Sciences and Library and Information Studies).
The committee also applauded Haycock’s accomplishments as Chair of the National Steering Committee for the first Congress on Professional Education, held in 1998-1999. The Congress issued a technical report with more than 40 recommendations for improving LIS education in North America. More than a decade later, these recommendations still guide the work of LIS educators and address emerging issues facing the LIS community today.
The award also honors Haycock’s leadership roles in numerous professional associations. According to the award committee’s nomination, “Few [individuals] have held as many positions at such high levels of engagement at the national level in two countries and at the international level.” Haycock served on the Executive Board for the American Library Association, as Executive Director of the International Association of School Librarianship, and as president of the Canadian Library Association, American Association of School Librarians, Canadian School Library Association, and Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE).
The award was announced at the annual ALISE conference, held January 12-15, 2010 in Boston.