Course Development and Instructional Design #1
1. Guidelines regarding minimum requirements for course development, design, and delivery of online instruction (such as course syllabus elements, course materials, assessment strategies, faculty feedback) are followed.
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The iSchool has established the Online Teaching Standards and Indicators and the Minimum Instructional Expectations to guide faculty course development. New instructors are introduced to these documents before they begin working on their courses through the required Teaching Online course. In that course, they learn not only about the iSchool Standards but also see other quality course rubrics such as the Quality Matters and CSU Quality Online Learning and Teaching rubrics. The Faculty Peer Review Feedback Form is directly correlated with the School’s Online Teaching Standards and Indicators. The peer reviewer gives feedback on how each course compares to the standards and offers suggestions for areas needing modification. Each faculty member provides a response which addresses these suggestions and any indicated updates.
Syllabi have required elements as stated in Senate Policy S16-9. The School of Information has implemented an online application used by faculty members to create syllabi that are fully compliant with University policy. Detailed information about creating syllabi is available to faculty in the Faculty Handbook syllabus information. The syllabi are posted on the School web site and are fully accessible. Each syllabus must include the program learning outcomes (core competencies) and the Course Learning Outcomes for the class. Guidelines for creating Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) are available for faculty.
The University conducts Student Opinion of Teaching Effectiveness (SOTE) evaluations and results are provided to faculty and are considered in faculty performance reviews. The criteria for these evaluations are provided to all faculty. In addition, the School offers strategies for how to address each of the evaluation items. The School’s Director has also provided guidelines to help faculty succeed.