Course Development and Instructional Design #10


10 A process is followed for evaluating the effectiveness of current and emerging technologies to support the achievement of learning outcomes and delivery of course content.

Deficient      Developing      Accomplished     Exemplary

Faculty members and administrators are constantly monitoring the emergence of technology that will improve teaching and learning. The school’s  Technology and Resources Committee has responsibility to “make recommendations for new technology to ensure creative delivery of iSchool programs in the U.S. and internationally.” The School provides resources to test promising technologies. If they are determined to be accessible and help to meet a need, the School may make them available to faculty members and, where appropriate, students.

The School develops many training materials to support the technologies that are recommended for use. The Instructional Tools section of the Faculty Handbook contains tutorials for a variety of applications including Zoom, Canvas, and Panopto (lecture capture).

New technologies and ideas for their effective use are shared via the T3 (Teaching and Learning) series and the Tech Tips newsletter/blog.

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