Course Structure #2
2 The course structure ensures that all online students, regardless of location, have access to library/learning resources that adequately support online courses.
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The Martin Luther King Jr. Library has extensive resources available to online students including journal databases, ebooks, online course reserves, and Interlibrary Services. A guide for online students provides specific information on these resources and the librarians who specialize in services for online students.
The library provides a variety of contact methods to “Ask a Librarian” including 24/7 chat.
The School of Information (iSchool) has dedicated library liaisons who provide services to the students and faculty. They have developed a resource guide for students and another guide for the School’s faculty. They not only consult with students via email, telephone, and web conference but also have weekly online consultations hours via chat. They present an online orientation for iSchool students each semester.
All students are introduced to library resources and services in their first semester as part of INFO 203, a required course. Students view the orientation to the library and then complete two tutorials to assist them in learning about online databases and about how to avoid plagiarism.
The iSchool Quicklinks web page includes a link to the library’s web site. All pages in Canvas include a library resources link.
The School also offers students the opportunity to meet with a writing tutor. We offer this service in partnership with the University’s Writing Center. The tutor meets online with students individually and also may conduct group workshops. See: