Course Structure #3


3 Expectations for student assignment completion, grade policy, and faculty response are clearly provided in the course syllabus.

Deficient      Developing      Accomplished     Exemplary

The Faculty Handbook information about syllabi points to the following resources:

These university policy statements list the information each course syllabus must contain including:

  • A statement of how grades will be determined for the course
  • List of the percentage weight assigned to various class assignments
  • Penalty (if any) for late or missed work
  • Grading scale

Additional information about each assignment is included in the course site. Faculty are encouraged to provide rubrics in order to clarify expectations and grading criteria for assignments. All new faculty members learn about rubrics in the Teaching Online course.

Faculty contact information and a statement regarding office hours are clearly stated on each syllabus.

The Minimum Instructional Expectations in the Faculty Handbook documents the following points regarding communications:

  • communicate with students, colleagues and staff in a respectful and timely (i.e., within 48 hours) manner
  • when out of communication for an extended period of time set an automatic response to email and voice messages unless you are planning on checking/answering at regular intervals, or otherwise alert students to times when you will be unavailable

Syllabi for all courses are available via the iSchool Web site.

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