Faculty Support #5


5 Clear standards are established for faculty engagement and expectations around online teaching (e.g. response time, contact information, etc.).

Deficient      Developing      Accomplished     Exemplary

The iSchool has established Standards and Indicators for Online Teaching (PDF). These are posted in our online Faculty Handbook. They are introduced to new faculty members in the Teaching Online course. The standards are referred to during the peer reviews each semester.

The Minimum Instructional Expectations for Faculty, posted in the Faculty Handbook and in the Canvas Faculty site, reinforce and supplement the Standards. Specific expectations such as a 48 hour maximum response time are clearly stated.

When faculty members begin to prepare their first course, they must complete the Teaching Online course, an online course taught by our Director of Online Learning. They study technical and pedagogical topics and begin to develop their course site with close supervision and guidance. The Teaching Online course consists of five units, which cover the technology instructors will use, as well as the pedagogy of teaching online.  New faculty members also participate in at least one web conference session associated with the class to discuss possible uses of this synchronous communication platform.

A full time faculty member conducts peer reviews of all part time faculty using a peer evaluation form. Her reviews form part of the Director’s annual assessment of part time faculty. The evaluation is based on the School’s Standards and Indicators for Online Teaching.

Full time faculty are reviewed via the University’s Retention, Tenure, Promotion (RTP) guidelines. Full time tenure track faculty are evaluated over a 6 year period.

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