The Hyperlinked Library MOOC: An Overview of Research & Findings (So Far)
This presentation will explore the experiences and insights of LIS professionals who participated in “The Hyperlinked Library MOOC” offered by the San José State University (SJSU) School of Library and Information Science in 2013. Stephens and Jones will share highlights from their ongoing research project to evaluate and refine the MOOC. They will share perceptions from participants related to the course design, provide insights into roles librarians can play in MOOCs, and discuss the creation of new platforms for learning.
This colloquium is co-sponsored by the SJSU information school’s ASIS&T Student Chapter and the ALA Student Chapter.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm Pacific Time
Location: Online via Blackboard Collaborate
URL: join live session