
Student Group

SAASC Fall 2024 Annual Membership Meeting

Welcome back to school SAASC Members! Please join us on September 26th at 5:00 pm PT for our Annual Fall Membership Meeting. Let’s gather to discuss the semester thus far, share updates, and plan for the upcoming months.
We’ll also have a chance to connect and exchange ideas for Fall activities and events. Come prepared to share your thoughts and suggestions!
See you there!


Keith Curry Lance

Transforming School Libraries Nationwide
iSchool Joins Forces with Keith Curry Lance to Advance SLIDE Project

The San José State University School of Information continues to advocate for the critical role of school librarianship in K-12 education, most recently hiring school librarianship expert Keith Curry Lance as a research consultant and providing support to further the School Librarian Investigation—Divergence & Evolution SLIDE project, which highlights the evolving role of school libraries nationwide.