Open Classes Course List


Fall 2024 Course List

The list of fall 2024 courses below includes all MLIS and MARA electives offered. Some INFM courses are available in Open Classes.

Note: Enrollment is based on space availability and is not guaranteed. Some of the classes below might already be filled.

As you explore these courses, we encourage you to read the course syllabus. (Click on the course title to view the syllabus.) Note that in some cases, the syllabus may be from a previous semester, as the Fall 2024 syllabus is not yet available. Also, some courses are new, and thus there are no previous syllabi available. When viewing a course syllabus from a previous semester, please note that the instructor for the Fall 2024 Open Class may not be the same instructor in the sample syllabus we have linked to from a previous semester. Check the iSchool Schedule of Classes for Fall Special Session, for any mandatory Zoom web conferencing dates, which will be added before Open Classes registration.

The course syllabus includes a brief course description, along with details regarding assignments, technology requirements, grades, course calendar, workload expectations, student learning outcomes, and textbooks. If any live synchronous class sessions are required, they will be noted on the syllabus.

Students who enroll in MLIS and MARA Open Classes electives do not need to complete any core course prerequisites prior to enrolling. Students requesting INFM courses through Open Classes need to meet the INFM required tech competency before requesting classes.

If you are interested in a specific course, we invite you to complete a sign-up form, which will be available starting July 8th, 2024 at 8 am Pacific, and then we will get in touch with you to confirm whether space is available.

MLIS and MARA Electives

Fees for MLIS and MARA classes are $541 per unit. Courses will run 3 units unless specified.

Semester runs 08-21-24 to 12-09-24.

MS Informatics Electives

Fees for Informatics classes are $592 per unit.

Check INFM course dates listed for each class.

Students requesting INFM courses through Open Classes need to meet the INFM required technology competency, before enrolling in an INFM Open Class: Applicants are required to demonstrate a strong technical foundation by having completed coursework and/or work experience with either 1) HTML5 and CSS, 2) a programming language, or 3) in information systems.

Transferring Open Classes into a Future Degree or Certificate

A maximum of 9 units can transfer into a future MLIS or MARA degree, including:

  • MLIS and MARA electives taken in iSchool Open Classes
  • SJSU World Languages Classes
  • Units from outside institutions
  • Only 6 of these 9 units can be INFM classes (Prospective MARA students should review the electives approval process for the MARA program.)

A maximum of 3 units taken in Open Classes can be transferred into a future Post-Master’s Certificate or Digital Assets Certificate.

INFM classes taken in Open Classes cannot transfer into a future MS in Informatics because of the cohort nature of the MS Informatics program.

Choose courses in any of the following areas:

Emerging Trends in the Profession
INFO 287-10 AI in the Library (2 units) Runs from Aug. 12 – Oct. 16
INFO 287-11 Innovation and Participatory Practice in Libraries (to include Maker Spaces)
INFO 287-13 Hyperlinked Library: Emerging Trends, Emerging Technologies CLOSED
INFO 287-19 Feel the Learn: the library advancing virtual reality
INFO 287-20 AI, Data and Ethics CLOSED


Developing and Managing Information Systems and Web Applications
INFO 240-10 Web Design and Programming CLOSED
INFO 240-11 Web Design and Programming CLOSED
INFO 246-10 PHP/Javascript
INFO 246-11 Python (2 units) Runs from Aug. 26 – Oct. 19
INFO 246-13 XML
INFO 246-14 Text/Data Mining
INFO 246-15 Graphic Design for Librarians (2 units) Runs from Oct. 7 – Nov. 29 CLOSED
INFM 204-10 Human-Centered Design (2 units) Runs from Sept. 9 – Oct. 7 Note: INFM classes are $592 per unit, INFM Tech. Competency Requirements


Information Assurance, Big Data, Informatics, and Information Visualization
INFM 202-10 Information Security Overview* (1 unit) Runs from Sept. 9 – Oct. 7  Note: INFM classes are $592  per unit, INFM Tech. Competency Requirement
INFO 246-12 Big Data Analytics and Management CLOSED
INFO 287-12 Problem Solving with Data, Part One (2 units) Runs from Oct. 7 – Dec. 8
INFO 287-17 Collecting and Analysing Data for Evidence Based Decisions


Leadership and Management
INFO 275-10 Library Services for Racially and Ethnically Diverse Communities 
INFO 275-11 Library Services for Racially and Ethnically Diverse Communities* CLOSED
INFO 281-13, -14 Intercultural Communication (2 units) Runs from Aug. 21 – Oct. 16 Section -13 is CLOSED
INFO 281-15 Emerging Technologies and Impacts on the Information Experience (1 unit) Runs from Sept. 5 to Oct. 3 CLOSED
INFO 281-16 Exploring the Digital Content Services Lifecycle (1 unit) Runs from Oct. 17 to Nov. 14
INFO 281-17 Cultural Competence for Information Professionals
INFO 281-19 Teaching Life Skills in the Public Library (1 unit) Runs from Aug. 21 – Sept. 18 CLOSED
INFO 282-11

Marketing your Skills in a Networked World (2 units) Runs from Sept. 30 – Nov. 22

INFO 282-12 Grant Writing CLOSED
INFO 282-13 Project Management (2 units) Runs from Aug. 21 – Oct. 16
INFO 282-14 Social Crisis Management: The Expanding Role of the Information Professional (2 units) Runs from Sept. 9 – Nov. 4
INFO 282-15 Sustainability (2 units) Runs from Oct. 1 – Nov. 13 CLOSED
INFO 283-10 Marketing of Information Products and Services


Managing, Preserving, and Curating Digital Assets, Records, and Other Cultural Heritage Artifacts
INFO 256-10 Archives and Manuscripts CLOSED
INFO 256-11 Archives and Manuscripts CLOSED
INFO 256-12 Archives and Manuscripts CLOSED
INFO 259-10 Preservation Management CLOSED
INFO 259-11 Preservation Management CLOSED
INFO 282-10, -16 Digital Asset Management Section -10 is CLOSED
INFO 284-10 Tools, Services, and Methodologies for Digital Curation  CLOSED
INFO 284-11 Curating Exhibitions from Archival Collections (2 units) Runs from Aug. 26 – Oct. 20
INFO 284-12 Enterprise Content Management & Digital Preservation CLOSED
INFO 284-13 Reference and Information Services in Archives*
INFO 284-14 Medieval Manuscripts: Genres (2 units) Runs from Aug. 28 – Oct. 16  CLOSED
MARA 204-10 Management of Archives, Records Management and Information Governance Programs*
MARA 211-10 Access, Storage and Retrieval of Records and Information
MARA 284-10 Digital Forensics for Archivists
MARA 287-10 Developing an Information Governance Strategy


Information Organization and Retrieval
INFO 247-10 Vocabulary Design
INFO 248-10, -11, -12 Beginning Cataloging and Classification CLOSED
INFO 248-13 Beginning Cataloging and Classification 
INFO 248-14 Beginning Cataloging and Classification*
INFO 266-11 Collection Management
INFO 266-12 Collection Management CLOSED
INFO 266-13 Collection Management CLOSED
INFO 281-10 Metadata CLOSED
INFO 281-11 Metadata CLOSED
INFO 287-14 Classifications Schemes (1 unit) Runs from Aug. 21 – Sept. 18
INFO 287-15 Serials (1 unit) Runs from Oct. 9 – Nov. 6
INFO 287-15 Linked Data*


Information Intermediation and Instruction
INFO 210-10, -13 Reference and Information Services, General (3 unit version) Section -10 is CLOSED
INFO 210-11 Reference and Information Services, General (3 unit version) CLOSED
INFO 210-12 Reference and Information Services, General (3 unit version) CLOSED
INFO 210-14 Reference Collections in the 21st Century (1 unit) Runs from Oct. 23 – Nov. 19 CLOSED
INFO 210-15 Reference in the Age of AI and Google (2 units) Runs from Aug. 21 – Oct. 15 CLOSED
INFO 220-11 Digital Humanities
INFO 220-14 Older Adults* (2 units) Runs from Oct. 6 – Nov. 30
INFO 221-10 Government Information CLOSED
INFO 234-10 Intellectual Freedom Seminar CLOSED
INFO 244-10, -11 Online Searching CLOSED
INFO 250-10 Instructional Design K-12 Focus 
INFO 250-11, -12 Instructional Design Non K-12 Focus Section -11 is CLOSED
INFO 254-10 Information Literacy and Learning CLOSED
INFO 254-11 Information Literacy and Learning CLOSED


Library Services for Children and Young Adults
INFO 260A-10 Programming and Services for Children CLOSED
INFO 261A-10 Programming and Services for Young Adults
INFO 265-10 Materials for Young Adults
INFO 267-10 Materials for Early Adolescence CLOSED
INFO 269-10 Early Childhood Literacy CLOSED
INFO 271A-10 Fantasy CLOSED


Courses Covering Specific Library Environments
INFO 220-12 Medical and Health Sciences Librarianship
INFO 220-13 Visual Resources Curation and Arts Librarianship (2 units ) Runs from Aug. 21 – Oct. 16 CLOSED
INFO 230-10 Issues in Academic Libraries
INFO 232-10, -11 Issues in Public Libraries CLOSED
INFO 233-10 School Library Media Centers
INFO 281-12 Global Principles – Local Libraries (2 units) Runs from Aug. 26 – Oct. 20
INFO 281-18 Indigenous Cultural Institutions and Practices of Librarianship


Research and Program Evaluation
INFO 285-10 Historical Research Methods CLOSED
INFO 285-11, -13 Action Research CLOSED
INFO 285-12, -18 Historical Research Methods Section -12 is CLOSED
INFO 285-14 Literature Review Research Methods CLOSED
INFO 295-15 Evaluating programs and Services CLOSED
INFO 285-16 General overview of the frequently used research methods in library and information practice 
INFO 285-17 Unobtrusive Research: Analyzing Existing Data/Content
MARA 285-10 Research Methods in Records Management and Archival Science


Language and Culture for Information Professionals
SPAN 132-10 Beginning Spanish (4 units) is offered online by SJSU World Languages for the School of Information.


*New course for fall 2024, Instructor TBA, or no prior course syllabus available for this instructor.
