Welcome to MARA 2022 – 2023!
Published: August 18, 2022 by Melissa Prunty Kemp
Welcome new and continuing students to MARA 2022 -2023! We’re back for another exciting year of classes and professional activities. If this is your first semester, you may wonder where to get started in and outside of classes.
You will find plenty of support and assistance from faculty, fellow students, and through iSchool MARA advising, all online and always available. Our Program Coordinator, Dr. Darra Hofman, has compiled a robust advising protocol to lead a student successfully through the degree program. Read it early and often – don’t be like me and follow your heart’s or your workplace’s desires in course selection. It could create a gap semester you weren’t expecting.
As your MARA Student Assistant, I can assist in pointing to many resources available to you. I collect the latest career opportunities for RIM and archives students, as well as produce the annual MARA jobs report. I post current events, professional articles, trade journals, and announcements to the SJSU MARA Facebook page. I hope you will email me with suggestions or requests for information you’d like to read on the blog or the Facebook page.
Within a few weeks, I will post reports from the
2022 Society of American Archivists Archives – Records
conference. Dr. Hofman, Dr. Franks and I, along with several
others, will attend and present our impressions. If you are
a student who is attending this event and are willing to report
on your experiences and share them with your peers, please email me.
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