Course Development and Instructional Design #5
5. A process is followed that ensures that permissions (Creative Commons, Copyright, Fair Use, Public Domain, etc.) are in place for appropriate use of online course materials.
Deficient Developing Accomplished Exemplary
The School works to ensure that faculty members use course materials in a legal and ethical manner. Faculty are encouraged to use the library’s online course reserves process for readings. The library manages copyright and accessibility issues and students can be provided with easy online access to the materials.
The iSchool Faculty Handbook section on Course Reserves includes information about copyright and Fair Use.
The Faculty Handbook information about plagiarism outlines the university policies, provides some information about helping students avoid this problem, and gives specifics about use of Turnitin. In addition, the iSchool Instructor Canvas Tutorials presents a link for “Assignments” which includes instructions on using the integration of Turnitin with assignment submissions.
The iSchool T3 (Teaching Tips and Techniques) series offers workshops on fair use considerations in course materials.
Students and faculty members receive information about avoiding plagiarism. Every incoming student must complete the library’s “Plagiarism – Graduate Level” tutorial as a part of the required INFO 203 course.