SJSU iSchool Style Guides
Blog Post Style Guide
Post Type
Select the appropriate post type in the upper right of the post page. The post type is the name of the blog.
Please use title case.
The byline should be formatted like so: Published: November 30, 2018 by Nicole Purviance
Community Profile Style Guide
Post Type
Select the appropriate post type “Community Profile” in the upper right of the post page.
Please use title case.
Teaser / Summary
For the Community Profiles, the teaser is the person’s quote and their information. Please set the break after the quote. If for some reason, there isn’t a quote, the teaser is the first two sentences or first paragraph of the body. Use italics for the teaser. If unsure, reference recent published stories for formatting.
Images Specs for Blogs Posts, News Stories and Community Profiles
We display this content on the home page in the Spotlight section. In order for it to display correctly, the image in the post needs to follow specific guidelines. Only posts with images can appear on the home page Spotlight section.
The smallest image we recommend uploading is 600px wide by 400px tall. If your image is larger, it will scale appropriately to fill the space at those dimensions.
Webcast Style Guide
Upcoming Webcasts
Create upcoming webcasts from using the “Webcast” post type.
The title is the title of the webcast. Add the description in the body. Then add the date, time and URL separated by breaks rather than paragraphs.
Enter the date and time using the “calendar dates” on the edit screen bottom left. This way it also displays on the master calendar without having to create a separate event.
How to Create an Event
Log in
Go to “Commands” on the lower left
Select “Create Post, choose “Event”
Once on the new page to create the event:
- Type the event title
- Type the description in the body area. Include the URL if an online event or physical address if an in-person event.
Top right >> under “Post Type,” choose the relevant category listed under “Event”
Categories are:
Nicole’s Notes – Helpful Tips on How Stuff Works
URLs and Nav Terms
URLs are created from nav terms, not the page titles. So, if you see a “-0″ that means there is a duplicate nav term somewhere in the system. Even if you delete the original nav term, the system will still think there’s a duplicate. Best thing to do is to re-order the nav term under “manage nav terms” and not create a new one if it’s exactly the same naming. This can be a problem for us since we have three pages of nav terms and you can’t scrol a nav term from page 3 to page 2.