CIRI iSchool Research Community


iSchool Research Community

iSchool has a vibrant research community. Members of the Faculty Research Committee organize an informal online meet-up each semester for faculty to get together, share ideas, and stay connected.

Spring 2024

Dr. Jessica Bushey gave a talk about her research updates. The title of her talk was ”Images, Artificial Intelligence & Archives”. Here’s the recording of the talk (Passcode: 0+G1ajgD). 

Fall 2023

Dr. Ulia Gosart talked about her research projects and research agenda, such as research related to Ukrainian libraries and Indigenous notions. Here’s the recording of the talk

Spring 2023

 Drs. Michele Villagran and Mantra Roy gave a talk about their IMLS grant project – BIPOC Become Librarians (BBL).  In this project, Mantra and Michele will establish a pilot mentorship and internship program to introduce undergraduate students who are Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) to careers in Library and Information Science. Here’s the recording of the talk (passcode: L=4k%y#V)

Fall 2022

Dr. Mary Bolin gave a presentation titled “The Idea of a Library: Completing a Book-length Research Project”. In this presentation, Dr. Bolin talked about the book she recently completed. Here’s the recording of the talk (passcode: X1CWg#zj)

Spring 2022

Dr. Souvick Ghosh shared with us his recent research projects and how he worked with his student assistants for his ICANN Lab. Here’s the recording of his talk (passcode N2?u!x#g)

Fall 2021

Dr. Darra Hofman discussed her grant seeking experience as a junior faculty member and shared useful lessons that could be of help to those who intend to apply for external grants to support their research. Here’s the recording of her talk (passcode %$$jNmX3)

Spring 2021

iSchool Director of Online Learning Debbie Faires and Dr. Michael Stephens talked about their research on the use of mobile devices in online learning among MLIS students. Here’s the recording of their talk (passcode 4t^4%4F*)

Fall 2020

Dr. Jenna Hartel from the University of Toronto gave an interesting talk about her research using arts-informed visual methods in the iSquare research project. Here’s the recording of her talk (password: T9%v3cP2).

Spring 2020

Jason Kaltenbacher, Lecturer and MS in Informatics Program Coordinator, talked about his new research methods course (INFO 285) that focuses on technology management. Here’s the recording of his talk (with script)

Fall 2019

Dr. Timothy Dickey shared his recent experience with proposing and writing a book.

iSchool Research Community

Spring 2019

Dr. Michele Villagran discussed her recent research on cultural intelligence. 

iSchool Research Community

Fall 2018

Dr. Deborah Hicks shared her recent research projects. 

iSchool Research Community

Spring 2018

Dr. Kristen Rebmann and Dr. Sue Alman discussed successful grant seeking strategies.

iSchool Research Community