CIRI Blog Overview


CIRI Blog Overview

iSchool faculty members have their own blog to share updates on their research projects, innovative ideas for advancing online teaching and learning, experiences with emerging technologies, thoughts on research methods, and whatever else is percolating in their minds. It’s a treasure trove of inspiration and knowledge.

New posts are published monthly. We encourage you to visit the blog often and share your comments.  

The most recent blog post was authored by Dr. Anthony Bernier. Dr. Bernier discussed the two research methods courses he teaches – history research ad youth services, and shared his reflections on the research methods curriculum as well. Read the blog post on CIRI Blog.

“In both of my sections of INFO 285, as likely is true for the other six methodological topics the iSchool offers, students emerge from our program not only more reflective professionals but practitioners capable and confident of demonstrably adding value to their public service institutions, services, and contributions.” - Dr. Anthony Bernier