CIRI Blog Overview


CIRI Blog Overview

iSchool faculty members have their own blog to share updates on their research projects, innovative ideas for advancing online teaching and learning, experiences with emerging technologies, thoughts on research methods, and whatever else is percolating in their minds. It’s a treasure trove of inspiration and knowledge.

New posts are published monthly. We encourage you to visit the blog often and share your comments.  

The most recent blog post was authored by Dr. Lili Luo. She shared her recent research about how academic libraries support AI literacy education via LibGuides. Read the blog post on CIRI Blog.

“While ethical use and foundational understanding dominate the content in these LibGuides, there is variability in how libraries address AI’s broader societal implications and institutional policies. As AI technology and its role in academia continue to develop, academic libraries may play an increasingly crucial role in equipping students and faculty with the critical skills and ethical understanding needed to navigate an AI-rich academic landscape.” - Dr. Lili Luo