Feeling Festive? Let’s Celebrate SJSU iSchool
Published: December 2, 2019 by Greta Snyder
With holidays and the end of the semester on the horizon, it’s hard not get into the festive spirit. Fall semester has been super busy, so take a minute to relax and celebrate SJSU iSchool with a September, October and November SJSU iSchool News and Blogs recap video.
A Toast to Our Success
While it can be hard to keep your eyes on the prize with the challenging curriculum and rigorous pace of SJSU iSchool coursework while balancing all of your work and life roles and future career ambitions, hearing all these incredible iSchool achievements can help motivate you for the last leg of your semester. I’d love to hear your questions, learn about your experience in the field, and share your success stories, so reach out to me anytime – connecting with other students and professionals is the most rewarding part of the program!
This recap video features highlights from:
Fall semester has brought us so many exciting stories to share with student scholarships, faculty and alumni making waves, as always, and an SJSU CLA elections sweep. Let’s start with scholarships, as who doesn’t love a student success story?
Please join me in congratulating these iSchool MLIS students:
- Deana Uribe – recipient of Graduate Equity Fellowship Award; selected for her academic excellence and commitment to community
- Monica Vega Latona, Brandi Veal and Mayra Fuentes, selected for the CLA Scholarship for Minority Students in Memory of Edna Yelland
- Madelynn Dickerson winner of the Julia C. Blixrud Scholarship for an essay she wrote that landed her a trip to the American Research Library Fall Forum – seen here at the forum on the left
Also featured in the news are faculty putting out books that belong on your holiday wish list:
- Dr. Anthony Bernier released an updated version of his influential book Transforming Young Adult Services, to further address the core question “How should LIS envision its YA users?” and adding critical, recent developments in youth studies.
- Dr. Michael Stephens’ much-anticipated Wholehearted Librarianship is now available, exploring leadership with heart in the field of librarianship.
And faculty and alumnae are earning rewards for research. Emerald Publishing’s 26th Annual Literati Awards recognized Dr. Michelle Chen and Dr. Pat Franks with a prestigious Highly Commended award and alum Emily Coyne was celebrated with an Outstanding Paper Award.
Another great Spartan achievement this fall is a strong sweep of the CLA elections this October. Congrats to these alumnae: Jayanti Addleman, President-Elect; Jeanette Contreras and Brandy Buenafe, both elected to the board; and Mayra Fuentes, elected as student representative.
Career Blog
This blog, the career blog, is a must-read for students and job seekers and is written by current iSchool MLIS student, Greta Snyder (that’s me). Here are top fall reads:
- Did you blow your last job interview? Tips for how to turn it around and update your interview prep strategy.
- SJSU iSchool Poster Session and Reception at CLA Conference Oct. 25 – find out what your peers are researching and the work they shared at this exciting SJSU iSchool event.
- Cozy up with emerging technology in our field with iSchool Library 2.0– don’t worry if you missed it! The recordings are all free and available – read the article to find out more.
- Networking for Novices: Trust us you got this – but where to even start? This article is a great place to begin practical advice for in-person and virtual networking as networking is a crucial LIS skill.
CIRI is the Center for Information Research & Innovation at SJSU and focuses on fostering LIS research to benefit a global audience. This blog is run by CIRI coordinator Dr. Lili Lou. Two fall highlights: Dr. Geoffrey Liu explores possibilities of applying data mining in library settings and information services and Dr. Kristen R. Rebmann shares her work as part of an IMLS grant to address challenges associated with Native American digital access and inclusion.
iStudent Blog
Every student must check out the iStudent blog to connect with other students and hear about development opportunities. It is written by current iSchool student Havilah Steinman. Check out these exciting stories:
- iSchool Director Dr. Hirsh turns up her Twitter game to engage with students and LIS professionals through an IFLA Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning live twitter chat.
- Explore new places for LIS professionals to work – such as Global Records & Management: for Aquariums and Zoos.
- Read about MARA student Laura Froelke’s internship at Oregon State Archives that is helping launch her career.
- And finally check in with iSchool Student Kim Edwards to hear about a day in her life working at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility.
For MARA students and any student or professional interested in archives and records management, this blog is written by MARA student Kenna Wulker. Check out some fall highlights:
- Kenna shares her first-time experience attending ARMA InfoCon – pictured here with Dr. Pat Franks.
- Hear about an interesting archival project at the Vatican where high students are working together with AI.
- October was American National Archives Month, but not too late to celebrate with a great recap.
Did you know SJSU holds virtual world events as part of our Virtual Center for Archives and Records Administration, known as VCARA? The blog is managed by MARA Coordinator Dr. Patricia Franks.
- Read the recap of the virtual reality vs virtual worlds smackdown held this October – I mean there were dinosaurs present. I think that makes it a must read.
- And check out the post-event synopsis of a tour of the Nonprofit Commons Library held in November.
Final Thoughts
Thanks for watching and happy holidays! No matter how you holiday, hopefully you’ll get a chance to reset, recharge and rejuvenate. Look forward to an end of the semester recap and stay posted on the news and blogs at ischool.sjsu.edu in the “News & Events” section. Best of luck as your semester wraps up! Please comment below, email me, Tweet at me, or message me on LinkedIn.
Career Development Opportunities
- Apply to be a Fay B. Kaigler Children’s Book Festival Call for Graduate Student Ambassador - deadline Dec. 6
- Join the VCARA players for a Charles Dickens Holiday Storytelling event – free, live, online – Dec. 7, 11am-12pm PT
- Watch iSchool Director Dr. Sandra Hirsh’s Ask Me Anything Session – free, online, recorded
- Listen to the latest iSchool Career podcast hosted by our amazing Career Consultant Kim Dority – free, online
- Check out the iSchool Career Workshop archives led by the incredible Jill Klees
- Watch Library 2.0 Emerging Technology Keynotes – free, online, recorded
- Find an Internship using SJSU iSchool Internship Database
- US National Library of Medicine Associate Fellowship Program – Deadline January 24, 2020
- Apply for the ALA Spectrum Scholarship – deadline March 7, 2019
Jobs in Handshake (requires login to Handshake)
- Digital Collections Archivist (Higher Education) – Blacksburg, VA
- Student/Grad Student Intern (Public Library) – San Jose, CA
- Senior Library Manager (Public Library) – Gainesville, FL
- System-wide Youth Services Manager (Public Library) – Fort Worth, TX
- User Experience Librarian (Law Library) – Stanford, CA
- Data Scientist (Corporate Sector) – Atlanta, GA
- Librarian Children’s Services (Public Library) – Santa Rosa, CA
- Data Scientist (Corporate Sector) – San Francisco, CA
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