Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan 2023-2028
Strategic Plan 2023-2028
The San José State University School of Information (SOI) strategic plan is guided by our core vision, mission, and organizational values, all of which touch upon how we conduct ourselves and what we aspire to achieve in the future. Our seven strategic goals are defined by specific objectives, tactics, key performance indicators (KPIs), and data sources that ensure we are on track to accomplish them.Most importantly, the strategic plan represents our collective commitment to all School of Information stakeholders, especially our students, alumni, staff, part-time instructors, and faculty, and to achieving excellence across all our degrees, programs, certificates, and activities.
Our Vision (An aspirational and ideal future)
The SJSU School of Information will be a global leader in high quality education, research, technology innovation, and advocacy in the information professions.
Our Mission (What we do on a day-to-day basis to accomplish our vision)
In support of the University’s mission, the School of Information educates information professionals who impact the well-being of our global communities and expands the knowledge base of the information professions through research, innovation, and service.
Values (How we conduct ourselves as individuals and an organization)
1. World Class Online Teaching and Learning
We hold ourselves to the highest standards of teaching and learning, scholarship, and service through continuous improvement and innovation.
2. Scholarship and Lifelong Learning
We value life-long learning and intellectual inquiry through research, scholarship, service, and the organization and dissemination of knowledge.
3. Strategic Growth and Development
We place our highest priority on ensuring academic success, personal and professional growth, and faculty and staff development to thrive personally and professionally.
4. Excellence
We hold ourselves to the highest standards of teaching and learning, scholarship, and service to support continual improvement and innovation.
5. Integrity
We are accountable for our actions and expect honesty, transparency, and fairness in all our work and interactions.
6. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
We value the advancement of equity, diversity, and inclusion as a central and critical component of our approach to education and how we operate and relate to others as an organization.
7. Community
We develop and nurture collaborative relationships within our local, national, and global communities to strategically carry out our mission and vision.
8. Sustainability
We commit to prioritizing sustainability and promoting awareness within our organization, campus, and professional fields.[1]
9. Service
We commit to serving our students and colleagues and our professional, local, and global communities.
Strategic Goals
Data dashboards are used to track the School’s strategic goals and their designated objectives, tactics, and key performance indicators. These are reviewed each November at a two-day faculty retreat and undergo a comprehensive evaluation every five years. Our shared governance committees, together with assigned faculty and staff, assess KPIs, provide evidence of their fulfillment, and suggest changes if needed. The shared governance committees are composed of full-time faculty, part-time faculty, students, and alumni. We also note alignment with the College and University strategic plans.
Our seven strategic goals are (in no order of importance):
- Goal 1. A high-quality program that prepares students for fulfilling, impactful, and successful careers.
- Goal 2. An interdisciplinary, competency-based curriculum offering programs that foster critical thinking, the development of core professional skills, and cross-domain knowledge.
- Goal 3. Student growth, education, and success.
- Goal 4. Faculty and staff professional growth.
- Goal 5. Strategic relationships.
- Goal 6. A rich research, scholarship, and creative activities (RSCA) environment.
- Goal 7. Sustainability-focused in all that we do.
Strategic Goal 1: A high-quality program that prepares students for fulfilling, impactful, and successful careers.
Aligns with University Strategic Goal 1 – Engage and Educate and CPGE Goal 1 – Become the Leading Provider of Relevant Educational Program
Objective 1.1. Highly qualified administration, faculty, and staff
Tactics | Key Performance | Data Sources |
Tactic 1.1.1. Identify and use KPIs to measure attainment of highly-qualified administration, faculty, and staff. |
Objective 1.2. Meet and exceed field and industry standards of quality
Tactics | Key Performance | Data Sources |
Tactic 1.2.1. Develop a plan to meet and exceed quality standards of the field and industry. |
Objective 1.3 High student and alumni satisfaction
Tactics | Key Performance | Data Sources |
Tactic 1.3.1. Develop a plan for increasing student and alumni satisfaction.
Tactic 1.3.2. Identify and use KPIs to measure student and alumni satisfaction. |
Objective 1.4. Positive impact on student and alumni career success
Tactics | Key Performance | Data Sources |
Tactic 1.4.1. Identify and use KPIs to measure current and future impact and career success. |
Objective 1.5. Review all programs on an on going basis to ensure continuous improvements
Tactics | Key Performance | Data Sources |
Tactic 1.5.1. Review on an on-going, broad-based, and systematic basis the curriculum, structure, and outcomes of all SOI programs and monitor implementation.
Tactic 1.5.2. Establish a data dashboard for each program.
Tactic 1.5.3. Report on accomplishments at fall retreat.
Tactic 1.5.4. Incorporate data-based insights into improvement and link data-gathering to outcomes.
Tactic 1.5.5. Identification of, measurement, and use of KPIs. |
MLIS (CPDC Co-chairs)
MARA (MARA Coordinator)
Teacher Librarian credential program (TL Coordinator)
Post-Master’s Certificate (CPDC Co-chairs with Student Services Team)
Advanced Certificate (CPDC Co-chairs with Student Services Team)
Gateway PhD (Gateway PhD Coordinators)
Informatics (Informatics Coordinators)
Bachelor of Science Information Science and Data Analytics (BSISDA) (BSISDA Program Coordinator; Program Advisor)
Objective 1.6. A commitment to quality teaching practices as specified in the School Standards and Indicators and other benchmarks
Tactics | Key Performance | Data Sources |
Tactic 1.6.1. Establish List of “Quality” indicators, benchmarks, and standards.
Tactic 1.6.2. Implement quality standards as general process.
Tactic 1.6.3. State how we are going to accomplish this and build into our workflow. |
Objective 1.7. Robust faculty, staff, and student technology infrastructure to support current and future SOI needs
Tactics | Data Sources |
Tactic 1.7.1. Provide a technology infrastructure that meets and exceeds teaching and learning needs.
Tactic 1.7.2. Establish a data dashboard.
Tactic 1.7.3. Report on accomplishments at fall retreat. |
Strategic Goal 2: An interdisciplinary, competency-based curriculum offering programs that foster critical thinking, the development of core professional skills, and cross-domain knowledge.
Aligns with University Strategic Goal 2 – Excel and Lead and CPGE Goal 2 – Create a Global Ethos
Objective 2.1. Address the rapidly evolving and changing information domains and professions
Tactics |
Data Sources (CDPC Co-Chairs) |
Tactic 2.1.1. Identify and align program curricula to set of knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes (KSAAs) and core competencies for all program graduates. Tactic 2.1.2. Regularly update curriculum and programs. Tactic 2.1.3. Establish data dashboards. Tactic 2.1.4. Implement action plan and process to identify and revise curriculum and programs. Tactic 2.1.5. Report at annual fall retreat. |
Objective 2.2. Application of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) throughout the organization and curriculum
Tactics |
Data Sources (IDEA Committee Chair, PACs, Core Course Coordinator) |
Tactic 2.2.1. Develop EDIABSJ plan.
Tactic 2.2.2. Develop training opportunities and research dissemination activities that focus on professional development (particularly teaching) to advance EDIABSJ and cultural competency in the school’s curriculum.
Tactic 2.2.2. Establish KPIs for all degrees, concentrations, and career pathways.
Tactic 2.2.3. Establish data dashboards.
Tactic 2.2.4. Implement action plan and process for implementing EDIABSJ throughout the curriculum.
Tactic 2.2.5. Ongoing, annual evaluation of effectiveness and adjustment of action plan, KPIs, and metrics.
Tactic 2.2.6. Report at annual fall retreat.
Objective 2.3. Promote global perspective in courses through content, assignments, internships, and professional contacts of iSchool faculty
Tactics |
Data Sources (CDPC Co-Chairs) |
Tactic 2.3.1. Develop plan to increase global perspective throughout the curriculum and school. Tactic 2.3.2. Connect with alumni, especially those who are from or have come from abroad. Tactic 2.3.3. Develop a relationship with the international services side of CPGE. Tactic 2.3.4. Establish KPIs for all degrees, concentrations, and career pathways. Tactic 2.3.5. Establish data dashboards. Tactic 2.3.6. Develop action plan and process for implementing globalization throughout the curriculum. Tactic 2.3.7. Report at annual fall retreat. |
Objective 2.4. Provide physical and virtual internship opportunities in a wide range of environments
Tactics |
Data Sources (CDPC Co-Chairs) |
Tactic 2.4.1. Review process and overall satisfaction with internship opportunities.
Tactic 2.4.2. Commit additional resources to expanding internship options.
Tactic 2.4.3. Establish KPIs for all degrees, concentrations, and career pathways.
Tactic 2.4.4. Establish data dashboards.
Tactic 2.4.5. Implement action plan and process for increasing internship opportunities.
Tactic 2.4.6. Report at annual fall retreat. Tactic 2.4.7. Leverage non-internship practical experience options. |
Objective 2.5. Increase professional development opportunities for faculty, staff, students, and alumni
Tactics |
Data Sources |
Tactic 2.5.1. Develop plan to support and increase professional development opportunities. Tactic 2.5.2. Establish KPIs for all degrees, concentrations, and career pathways. Tactic 2.5.3. Establish data dashboards. Tactic 2.5.4. Implement action plan and process for increasing professional development opportunities for faculty, staff, students, and alumni. Tactic 2.5.5. Report at annual fall retreat. |
Objective 2.6. Continuously improve iSchool programs to meet changing stakeholder and market needs
Tactics |
Data Sources |
Tactic 2.6.1. Launch Master of Science in Instructional Design and Technology by Fall 2025. Tactic 2.6.2. Grow BSISDA program.
Tactic 2.6.3. Build new career pathways.
Tactic 2.6.4. Establish KPIs for all degrees, concentrations, and career pathways.
Tactic 2.6.5. Establish data dashboards.
Tactic 2.6.6. Implement action plan and process for increasing new programmatic opportunities. Tactic 2.6.7. Report at annual fall retreat. |
Objective 2.7. Promote the School’s vision, mission, programs, projects and innovative curriculum to prospective student audiences
Tactics |
Data Sources |
Tactic 2.7.1. Hold open houses for all programs on a routine basis.
Tactic 2.7.2. Establish KPIs for all degrees, concentrations, and career pathways.
Tactic 2.7.3. Establish data dashboards.
Tactic 2.7.4. Implement action plan and process for promoting the school’s impact, projects, and programs to prospective student audiences. Tactic 2.7.5. Report at annual fall retreat. |
Strategic Goal 3: Student growth, education, and success.
Aligns with: University Strategic Goal 3 – Grow and Thrive and CPGE Goal 1 – Become the Leading Provider of Relevant Educational Programs
Objective 3.1 High retention and graduation rates
Tactics |
Data Sources (Graduate Advisor with Student Services Team) |
Tactic 3.1.1. Develop retention and graduation targets that exceed the national average.
Tactic 3.1.2. Establish KPIs for all programs, degrees, and certificates.
Tactic 3.1.3. Establish data dashboards for each degree.
Tactic 3.1.4. Implement action plan and process for improving retention and graduation rates.
Tactic 3.1.5 Report at annual fall retreat.
Tactic 3.1.6. Collect direct feedback from students. |
Objective 3.2. Continuously increase community building, student interactions and engagement with the School
Tactics |
Data Sources |
Tactic 3.2.1. Develop action plan.
Tactic 3.2.2. Establish KPIs for all programs, degrees, and certificates.
Tactic 3.2.3. Establish data dashboards.
Tactic 3.2.4. Implement action plan and process for increasing community-building, student interactions, and engagement with the School.
Tactic 3.2.5. Report at annual fall retreat
Tactic 3.2.6. Engage students in plan via surveys, listening sessions, etc.
Tactic 3.2.7. Support creation of student-only social spaces (e.g., Discord). |
Objective 3.3. Increase student development and participation in professional associations
Tactics |
Data Sources |
Tactic 3.3.1. Continue funding student memberships for the first year in the program. Tactic 3.3.2. Offer more academic and social gatherings at conferences. Tactic 3.3.3. Offer virtual participation at conferences. Tactic 3.3.4. Establish KPIs for all programs, degrees, and certificates. Tactic 3.3.5. Establish data dashboards. Tactic 3.3.6. Implement action plan and process. Tactic 3.3.7. Report at annual fall retreat. Tactic 3.3.8. Student funding for conference participation. Tactic 3.3.9. Increase visibility/attachment to community through internships. Tactic 3.3.10. Provide more support for student chapters. |
Objective 3.4. Provide support to a diverse student body
Tactics |
Data Sources (Chair, IDEA Committee) |
Tactic 3.4.1. Provide academic and professional support, especially for underrepresented and traditionally underserved students, including but not limited to academic advising, financial, conference travel, writing tutoring, technical support, career development, and student services. Tactic 3.4.2. Provide scholarships. Tactic 3.4.3. Provide travel grants. Tactic 3.4.4. Raise funds to support scholarships. Tactic 3.4.5. Establish KPIs for all programs, degrees, and certificates. Tactic 3.4.6. Establish data dashboards. Tactic 3.4.7. Implement action plan and process for increasing support for our diverse student body. Tactic 3.4.8. Report at annual fall retreat. |
Objective 3.5. Promote health and wellness for students and alumni
Tactics |
Data Sources |
Tactic 3.5.1. Convene Health and Wellness Committee:
Tactic 3.5.2. [Originally Objective 1.2] Increase Communication with About Health and Wellness.
Tactic 3.5.3. Annual survey.
Tactic 3.5.4. Annual Health & Wellness iSchool Summit.
Tactic 3.5.5. Establish specific activities and budget.
Tactic 3.5.6. Conduct surveys, focus groups, etc. to engage with students and alumni to identify what they need for better health and wellness.
Tactic 3.5.7. Form committee to recommend best practices and implement specific activities each year. |
Strategic Goal 4: Faculty and staff professional growth.
Aligns with University Strategic Plan: Goal 4: Connect and Contribute
Objective 4.1. Provide ways to help both full and part-time faculty and staff feel more engaged, invested, and familiar with the School’s programs and policies
Tactics |
Data Sources
Tactic 4.1.1. Provide social engagement opportunities at work, conferences, etc.
Tactic 4.1.2. Facilitate sharing of teaching strategies.
Tactic 4.1.3. Clarify process for recommending new courses.
Tactic 4.1.4. Establish KPIs for all programs, degrees, and certificates.
Tactic 4.1.5. Establish data dashboards.
Tactic 4.1.6. Implement action plan and process.
Tactic 4.1.7. Report at annual fall retreat.
Tactic 4.1.8. Prioritize staff T3 workshops and virtual engagement.
Tactic 4.1.9. Establish committee of faculty and staff to come up with engagement ideas.
Tactic 4.1.10. Communicate standards for SOTES (Director). |
Objective 4.2. Enhance comfort and skills with technology for both full-time and part time faculty and staff
Tactics |
Data Sources
Tactic 4.2.1. Offer emerging technologies workshops.
Tactic 4.2.2. Conduct “technology charge-ups” where faculty and staff share technologies they use.
Tactic 4.2.3. Establish KPIs for all degrees, concentrations, and career pathways.
Tactic 4.2.4. Establish data dashboards.
Tactic 4.2.5. Implement action plan and process.
Tactic 4.2.6. Report at annual fall retreat. |
Objective 4.3. Increase Involvement and Participation of Part-Time Faculty
Tactics |
Data Sources
Tactic 4.3.1. Establish KPIs for all programs, degrees, and certificates.
Tactic 4.3.2. Hold monthly virtual event.
Tactic 4.3.3. Hold Ignite presentations (5 minutes or less).
Tactic 4.3.4. Hold bi-annual part-time faculty meeting.
Tactic 4.3.5. Invite to iSchool retreats and conference meet-ups.
Tactic 4.3.6. Establish communication process through social media and existing apps.
Tactic 4.3.7. Provide research support for part-time faculty.
Tactic 4.3.8. VR hall of part-time faculty.
Tactic 4.3.9. Part-Time Canvas site.
Tactic 4.3.10. Establish data dashboards.
Tactic 4.3.11. Implement action plan and process
Tactic 4.3.12. Report at annual fall retreat.
Tactic 4.3.13. Leverage and surface part-time faculty areas of expertise to increase connections with the School. |
Strategic Goal 5: Strategic relationships.
Aligns with University Strategic Goal 4: Connect and Contribute and CPGE Goals 1-3.
Objective 5.1. Engage with a Global Advisory Council (GAC) which reflects the diverse programs, expertise, and perspectives represented in the School
Tactics |
Data Sources (Director) |
Tactic 5.1.1. Work with the GAC to review core competencies, strategic plan, and curriculum.
Tactic 5.1.2. Establish KPIs.
Tactic 5.1.3. Establish data dashboards.
Tactic 5.1.4. Implement action plan and process.
Tactic 5.1.5. Report at annual fall retreat. |
Objective 5.2. Continue to innovate and serve as a leader in online teaching and learning
Tactics |
Data Sources |
Tactic 5.2.1. Identify the School’s innovative teaching and learning practices.
Tactic 5.2.2. Attend conferences, webinars, training sessions, etc.
Tactic 5.2.3. Establish KPIs.
Tactic 5.2.4. Establish a data dashboard.
Tactic 5.2.5. Implement action plan and process.
Tactic 5.2.6. Report at annual fall retreat. |
Objective 5.3. Strengthen alumni relationships
Tactics |
Data Sources |
Tactic 5.3.1. Increase communication with alumni.
Tactic 5.3.2. Message from e-Portfolio faculty to promote ongoing communication.
Tactic 5.3.3. Message from Director to new graduates to promote ongoing communication.
Tactic 5.3.4. Strengthen relationships with alumni through meetups, social media, and emails.
Tactic 5.3.4. Establish annual fundraising and donation goals.
Tactic 5.3.5. Establish KPIs.
Tactic 5.3.6. Establish a data dashboard.
Tactic 5.3.7. Implement action plan and process.
Tactic 5.3.8. Report at annual fall retreat.
Tactic 5.3.9. Profile and acknowledge alumni and donations.
Tactic 5.3.10. Develop local alumni and current student chapters/groups. |
Objective 5.4. Build strong relationships and partnerships within SJSU and with external organizations
Tactics |
Data Sources |
Tactic 5.4.1. Develop formal plan to strengthen relationships within SJSU and with external organizations.
Tactic 5.4.2. Establish KPIs for all programs, degrees, and certificates.
Tactic 5.4.3. Establish data dashboards.
Tactic 5.4.4. Implement action plan and process.
Tactic 5.4.5. Report at annual fall retreat. |
Strategic Goal 6: A rich environment for research, scholarship, and creative activities (RSCA).
Aligns to University Strategic Goal 1 – Engage and Educate and Goal 2 – Excel and Lead and CPGE Goal 1 – Become the Leading Provider of Relevant Educational Programs
Objective 6.1. Enhance the Center for Information Research and Innovation (CIRI)
Tactics |
Data Sources (CIRI Coordinator) |
Tactic 6.1.1. Establish KPIs.
Tactic 6.1.2. Serve as data hub for all faculty RSCA productivity.
Tactic 6.1.3. Faculty Embedded Scholar Program.
Tactic 6.1.4. Offer RSCA support services.
Tactic 6.1.5. Establish a data dashboard.
Tactic 6.1.6. Implement action plan and process.
Tactic 6.1.7. Report at annual fall retreat.. |
Objective 6.2. Establish a strong RSCA support system for faculty
Tactics |
Data Sources |
Tactic 6.2.1. Establish KPIs.
Tactic 6.2.2. Overflow grant writing services if not supported by CPGE.
Tactic 6.2.3. Involve students in projects and research.
Tactic 6.2.4. Establish a data dashboard.
Tactic 6.2.5. Implement action plan and process.
Tactic 6.2.6. Report at annual fall retreat. |
Objective 6.3. Establish iSchool faculty RSCA dashboard
Tactics |
Data Sources (FRC Co-Chairs) |
Tactic 7.1.1. Establish Sustainability Committee.
Tactic 7.1.2. Reduce use of paper.
Tactic 7.1.3. Establish KPIs.
Tactic 7.1.4. Establish a data dashboard.
Tactic 7.1.5. Implement action plan and process.
Tactic 7.1.6. Report at annual fall retreat. |
Objective 6.4. Establish a strong Gateway PhD program
Tactics |
Data Sources (PhD Gateway Coordinators) |
Tactic 6.4.1. Establish KPIs.
Tactic 6.4.2. Establish a data dashboard.
Tactic 6.4.3. Implement action plan and process.
Tactic 6.4.4. Report at annual fall retreat. |
Strategic Goal 7: Be sustainability-focused in all that we do.
Aligns with University Strategic Goal 1 – Engage and Educate and CPGE Goal 1 – Become the Leading Provider of Relevant Educational Program
Objective 7.1. Reduce our carbon footprint
Tactics |
Data Sources |
Tactic 7.1.1. Establish Sustainability Committee.
Tactic 7.1.2. Reduce use of paper.
Tactic 7.1.3. Establish KPIs.
Tactic 7.1.4. Establish a data dashboard.
Tactic 7.1.5. Implement action plan and process.
Tactic 7.1.6. Report at annual fall retreat. |
• Sustainability Committee • Student and alumni surveys |
Objective 7.2. Make sustainability a curricular focus
Tactics |
Data Sources |
Tactic 7.2.1. Identify sustainability core competencies and best practices.
Tactic 7.2.2. Establish KPIs.
Tactic 7.2.3. Establish a data dashboard.
Tactic 7.2.4. Implement action plan and process.
Tactic 7.2.5. Report at annual fall retreat. |
Objective 7.3. Provide sustainability workshops and other extracurricular programming
Tactics |
Data Sources |
Tactic 7.3.1. Identify sustainability programming.
Tactic 7.3.2. Establish KPIs.
Tactic 7.3.3. Establish a data dashboard.
Tactic 7.3.4. Implement action plan and process.
Tactic 7.3.5. Report at annual fall retreat. |
[1] Wong, P. (2022). Sustainability and Libraries: ALA and Sustainability. ALA Resource Guide retrieved from; This is a commitment to the triple bottom line of sustainability practices that are “environmentally sound, economically feasible, and socially equitable.”