Student Services Team


Sheila Gurtu
Student Outreach Specialist

Sheila Gurtu

As the student outreach specialist, Sheila Gurtu supports the associate director to coordinate graduate advising and develops student success resources for the San José State University School of Information. She maintains the Canvas advising sites for MLIS and Certificate students, manages Open Classes, MARA, Informatics and Certificate enrollment services and also implements outreach, retention and survey analysis for the school. She is available to help all students by email and Zoom.


Gina Lee
Student Services Coordinator

Gina Lee joined the San José State University School of Information in 2006. She has worked in several roles. Initially, she worked closely with students when the iSchool had a satellite campus at CSU Fullerton. She provided a complete student support package.


Taryn Reiner
Student Support Specialist

Taryn Reiner

In 2021, Taryn Reiner joined the San José State University School of Information as a member of the Student Services Team. In her role she advises graduate students enrolled in the fully online master’s degree and certificate programs, along with supporting students who are experiencing academic difficulties. Previously, she was an elementary and high school counselor for about 20 years in California, New Mexico, and Hawai’i.

Students experiencing academic difficulties or on academic notice may email Taryn for an individual session.