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Career Blog

Resume: Check; But, Are You Ready for the Interview?

Published: July 5, 2019 by Greta Snyder

Now that you have revised your resume are you ready for the interview? Last week I focused on the process of upping your resume game with the help of our rock-star SJSU iSchool Career Consultant Jill Klees. I cannot thank her enough for all her insight and guidance; Jill should have a reality show, “resume rescue,” no joke! So after you reach out to Jill for some fine-tuning, it’s probable that your now high-impact resume will land you a chance at job of your dreams. Are your job skills as polished as your resume?

iStudent Blog

Day in the Life of iSchool Student – Rosa Conrad

Published: July 3, 2019 by Havilah Steinman

Hot off the presses, it’s the latest edition of our Day in the Life of an iSchool Student series! Today we’ll be introduced to Rosa Conrad, library services specialist at California State University San Marcos. With an expected graduation in spring 2021, Conrad juggles school, a full-time job, and being a mom with fantastic skill.

iStudent Blog

iSchool Explores Emerging Technology with Blockchain MOOC

Published: June 23, 2019 by guest blogger Greta Snyder

This spring 2019, SJSU iSchool offered a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) on Blockchain & Decentralization for the Information Industries. Designed and led by Jason Griffey, a prominent advocate for blockchain research in the information services field, this innovative MOOC was made possible thanks to a grant secured by iSchool Director Dr. Sandra Hirsh and iSchool Lecturer Dr. Sue Alman from Institute of Museum and Library Services to further research into the applicability of blockchain to information services.

iStudent Blog

Information Skills Put to the Test: Am I Librarian?

Published: June 7, 2019 by Havilah Steinman

Earlier in the semester, the Special Library Association Student Chapter at the iSchool hosted an engaging event about information professionals working in the corporate world, instead of a traditional library. MLIS alumni who presented during the event are currently working at large companies, including Genetec, Oracle Inc. and Zovio. The Special Library Association Student Chapter also live tweeted this event, and the recording can be viewed on their website. I had the excellent opportunity to attend this event, and have shared some exciting insight below.

iStudent Blog

VCARA Opens the Door to VR in Education

Published: May 30, 2019 by Havilah Steinman

The Virtual Center for Archives and Records Administration recently hosted their 10th annual conference in Second Life, entitled “Sands of Time Looking Back to Move Forward.” VCARA isn’t just for iSchool students, and openly welcomes all information professionals. VCARA is a great virtual community for individuals particularly interested in information science and education. The conference is an excellent example of this inclusivity, as their two keynote speakers, Dr. Valerie Hill and Daniel Dyboski-Bryant, shed light on this burgeoning new world.

Community Profile

iSchool Alumna Explores Both Archives and Public Librarianship After Graduation

“One of the reasons I chose to do SJSU’s program was because I needed to continue to work. There was no way that I could just go to school full time, and SJSU is really flexible in that regard. One semester I took five classes, worked, did the e-Portfolio and I look back and don’t know how I did it, but somehow I made it all work.”​

Patricia Delara  
Librarian, Daly City Public Library
Daly City, CA​   

Community Profile

iSchool Graduate Finds Exciting Opportunities in Los Angeles

“Try to meet other people working in the field or who are studying similar things. I was really glad I got to work in a public library while I was going to school. The internships also helped me meet a diverse group of people with different skill sets, so just try to get out there as much as you can. Build your network out not just up, as we were told during the Academy Gold program. Build connections with your peers so you can all bring yourselves up in the process.” ​

Gerard Collins   
Resident Archivist, LA as Subject
Burbank, CA​            

Community Profile

Student Engagement Librarian Uses Data to Better Connect With Students

“It is important to find meaningful ways to connect with and support our users that we haven’t historically served as well, especially in the nation’s current climate. To me this means having cultural competency, knowing who your users are, having skills that support them and making sure you are meeting their needs in a way that is relevant and useful to them.”​

Steven Deineh, Instruction and Student Engagement Librarian    
MiraCosta College 
Oceanside, CA