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Career Blog

Did You Blow Your Last Job Interview: How to Turn It Around

Published: October 12, 2019 by Greta Snyder

Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt like you belong on a “best of” job-interview fail compilation. Oh, guess what? You’re not alone; we all do. So, let’s be real, the self-doubt fallout is tough to navigate. But deep down you know that to get that dream job you have to keep growing and trying. Time to start adulting:  don’t think of it as rejection and another reason to feel intimidated, spin it as an opportunity for updating your interview prep strategy.


Three iSchool Students Awarded California Library Association Scholarship for Minority Students in Memory of Edna Yelland
‘I Cried,’ Says MLIS Student Upon Hearing They Won a Scholarship

Mayra Fuentes

Mayra Fuentes, Monica Vega Latona, and Brandi Veal, three students enrolled in the Master of Library and Information Science degree program at the San José State University School of Information, were awarded the California Library Association Scholarship for Minority Students in Memory of Edna Yelland. Each recipient received $2,500, a one-year student membership to CLA, and will be honored at the CLA annual conference October 24- 26, 2019.  

Community Profile

MLIS Student Finds Success Taking a Non-Traditional Path

“Prospective students may think that an online program means students will be isolated and alone in their work. I’ve made great friends! They’ve been so supportive both in and outside of my classes.”​

Rachel Hatcher
MLIS Student (degree expected 2021)
Library Technician, Santa Barbara Unified School District
Santa Barbara, California


King Library Liaisons Assist iSchool Students and Faculty

DeeAnn Tran

Three librarians from the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library at San José State University have been appointed to help students and faculty members of the SJSU School of Information navigate and access information through library resources and online. Craig Simpson, Gareth Scott and DeeAnn Tran assume the library liaison role from Ann Agee who held the position for the past five years.

Career Blog

Is Your Workplace Toxic?

Published: September 3, 2019 by Greta Snyder

A large proportion of our iSchool students are also working at full- or part-time jobs, so while focusing on your education and future career as you move through the program is of primary importance, a key part of your ability to manage it all and really grow is being in a good work environment right now. So, what can you do if you’re not?

Community Profile

MLIS Student Focuses on Community in Library Outreach

“The fact that I can stay ahead of the undergraduate students who walk through my library’s doors says so much about the quality of what the iSchool is teaching us.”

Rosa Conrad
MLIS Student (degree expected 2021)
Library Services Specialist, California State University San Marcos
Fallbrook, CA


Dr. Michael Stephens Joins Advisory Board for IMLS Grant on Civic Engagement

Dr. Michael Stephens, associate professor at the San José State University School of Information, was invited to serve on the advisory board of a recently funded Institute of Museum and Library Services Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program project: Training Future Librarians for Civic Engagement and City Collaboration. The project focuses on civic technology, an emerging set of practices in using information, and communica


Alumni, Students Present at Third iSchool Community Poster Session during ALA Conference

Tameca Beckett

The San José State University School of Information sponsored a community poster session featuring alumni and student speakers during the American Library Association’s annual conference held in June 2019. The poster session was the first time many of participants presented at a conference.


Back to School
Tips for Online Classes

back to school banner

Published: August 12, 2019 by Kenna Wulker

The fall semester is quickly approaching. If you’re anything like me, it’s challenging to get back into the swing of school. Read on for my top tips to a successful semester! Don’t forget—classes start August 21st!

iStudent Blog

Day in the Life of iSchool Student – Kiel Mangerino

Published: August 11, 2019 by guest blogger McKenna Wulker

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! The latest edition of our Day in the Life of an iSchool Student series is here. Kiel Mangerino is a hardworking student in the iSchool’s Masters in Archives and Records Administration (MARA) program, a dedicated father and a full time Deputy Town Clerk. His long days are full of challenges, but Mangerino wouldn’t trade his experience in the MARA program for the world.

Career Blog

Unexpected Benefit of the Interview: Confidence

Published: August 9, 2019 by Greta Snyder

Nothing like working a job that doesn’t utilize your education and talent to suck the life out of you and drain your confidence. If you haven’t already moved on, it is time to start breaking up from this vampire job. This isn’t Twilight, you need to leave all the drama and frustration behind and find a new job. You are the star of your own career; when you start going for new opportunities it will re-energize your passion, clarify your goals, and give you that burst of confidence you need to succeed. Go to that interview and get your groove back!

Career Blog

The Secret Key to Finding the Perfect Job

Published: July 25, 2019 by Greta Snyder

Think of finding a job like finding a potential date on Bumble or Tinder. While finding the right information environment in person and starting out as “friends,” or in job terms as an intern, volunteer, or para-professional, can definitely lead to the offer, job searching, like dating, is now often online. So, play career matchmaker for yourself, keep an open mind, cast a broad net, and match your interests and skills to possibilities.


Three iSchool Students Recognized for Commitment to Serving Spanish-Speaking Communities
REFORMA Scholarships Affirm Librarianship Career Goals

Luisa Leija

Luisa Leija, Cynthia Cortes and Renee Torres, three San José State University School of Information graduate students, were recently awarded scholarships by REFORMA, the National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and Spanish speakers, recognizing their contributions to the field and their commitment to the organization’s mission.