Spectre Hologram


Spectre Hologram

Why Libraries?

An inexpensive and easy-to-use 3D gadget, the Spectre Hologram projector presents a versatile tool for users of all ages and interests, unlocking abundant opportunities in library programming that can further foster creativity, promote technology-based sense-making, and cultivate software literacy skills.


No assembly is required to enjoy a three-dimensional projection with Spectre Hologram. Upon arrival, the user will only need to remove the plastic pyramid from its packaging. From then on, the pyramid will only need to be placed over the top of a mobile device—which should be playing a 4-face moving image. To find a holographic image, YouTube can be used to search for any hologram video; to customize one, design software can be used to generate a personal image.

Use Cases

  • STEM Education: Spectre Hologram can be used as an instructional tool in small group workshops to introduce technology engineering to patrons. The easy use and simple design make it a good starting point for learning later complex concepts. 
  • Professional Skill Building: Through instructional workshops, patrons can learn about and use design software to create multipurpose holographic images. These acquired skills can be applied to various professional fields outside of the library space, such as public education, medicine, and business. 
  • Storytelling Sessions: To make reading more engaging, the Spectre Hologram can be prepared ahead of time to showcase holographic images that relate to the plot of the story being read, facilitating visualization.

There are other use cases where librarians can use the Spectre Hologram to offer an easy-to-use introduction to technology engineering. The specific applications can vary depending on the library’s needs, goals, and target audience.

SJSU iSchool’s Welcome Messages through Spectre Hologram


How to use the Spectre Hologram Projector

Spectre Hologram Case Study

Creating a hologram


  • Spectre Pyramid

    • Lightweight
    • Already Assembled 
    • No further preparation needed
  • Supplemental Materials
    • Working smartphone

Additional Resources