Career Blog: Cover Letters

Career Blog

How to Craft Your DEI Statement

Manicured Hands Writing with a pen in a bound notebook

Published: July 10, 2024 by Aryn Prestia 

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives have become essential elements of library organizations in the past few years, and rightfully so! With libraries serving diverse communities and striving to be accessible for all, it makes sense that DEI statements are now a part of more than 63% of library job announcements and DEI is listed as a skillset needed for qualified applicants on 32% of job posts

Career Blog

Top Skills Information Professionals Need to Succeed

Taking notes

Published: October 9, 2020 by iSchool Career Advisor

Library Journal surveyed academic and public library directors, as well as some LIS movers and shakers, to learn what skills they think librarians will need in the next 20 years. For students, that means having the 11 skills on this list will help you get a job. Do any of these look familiar? They should: as an iSchool student, you are honing a lot of marketable skills.

Career Blog

Top 10 Tips for an Eye-Catching LIS Cover Letter

Published: June 9, 2018 by Evelyn Hudson

How many cover letters do you have in your arsenal? Just one? You might want to reconsider your strategy. Cover letters are your potential employers’ first impression of you. You don’t want to send them a generic form letter that doesn’t properly show your enthusiasm for the job. So, how do you craft that perfect cover letter that demonstrates both your skills and your excitement about the job? Read on.