On-Demand Webcasts: iSchool Student Services Lunch and Learn


Getting Started with Meal Prep: Secrets to Support Student Success

Are takeout and fast food expenses cutting into your budget? Join iSchool Student Services for this lively panel presentation featuring some of your favorite iSchool faculty, who will share their top “meal-prep-in-advance” tips to help students eat creatively and economically, while saving more time during the work week for study and family! Participants are encouraged to share their top meal prep ideas with our iSchool community!

Faculty Panelists Include:


iSchool Student Services: Lunch and Learn Youth Services MLIS Pathway Q and A with Advisors

The Youth Services MLIS career pathway is designed to prepare students for positions as children’s and/or young adult (YA) librarians or coordinators in public libraries, youth specialists on a regional or state level, or as information professionals in organizations principally serving youth, as well as to offer library generalists appropriate coursework to prepare for serving a public that includes youth. The Youth Services pathway is one of the most popular pathways in the MLIS program. Join iSchool’s Youth Services faculty advisors for a lively discussion about preparation for a career in this exciting field.


iSchool Student Services Lunch and Learn Workshop: School Librarianship and the CA Teacher Librarian Credential Q and A with Advisors

School librarians are teachers, librarians and instructional partners. The 31 unit California Teacher Librarian Services Credential program at the San José State University School of Information prepares students for the next step in their teaching career as a school librarian. It can be earned within the MLIS. The credential is a second credential program for students in California, who must have a California Clear Professional Teaching Credential before applying for the California Teacher Librarian Services Credential with the state. (Students in other states do not need to pursue the California Teacher Librarian Services Credential). Join the CA Teacher Librarian Services Credential Program Coordinator, Jonathan Hunt and iSchool faculty Dr. Mary Ann Harlan and Dr. David Loertscher, for a discussion of this MLIS career pathway and Q and A session.


iSchool Student Services Lunch and Learn Series: Special Librarianship MLIS Pathway Q and A with Advisors

Join the Student Services Team for an overview of the Special Librarianship MLIS pathway. Then, meet with iSchool faculty who have a background in special libraries. They will share insights about their classes, discuss tips, and answer student questions about preparing for a career in the vast array of special library environments, from healthcare and non profit settings, to corporate, legal, military and other types of special information settings.


iSchool Student Services Lunch and Learn Series: Public Librarianship MLIS Pathway Q and A with Advisors

Technology expert, information detective, manager, literacy expert, trainer, community programming coordinator, reader’s advisor, children’s storyteller, material reviewer, digital resource developer, and buyer — what do these varied roles have in common? These are just a few of the many hats that a public librarian can wear! Public Librarianship is one of the most diverse and evolving career pathways in the MLIS program.


iSchool Student Services Lunch and Learn Series: Leadership and Management MLIS Pathway Q and A with Advisors

Join MLIS Leadership and Management pathway advisors and special guests for an overview of elective choices, as well as tips and insights to help students prepare for a challenging and dynamic management role in library and information science settings. 

Panelists include:

  • Dr. Sue Alman, Ph.D. iSchool Lecturer, Co-Chair of Leadership & Management Program Advisory Committee, Co-Chair of iSchool Curriculum and Program Development Committee, Faculty Advisor
  • Dr. Linda Main, Ph.D., iSchool Associate Director and Graduate Coordinator, Faculty Advisor
  • Kim Dority, MLIS, iSchool Career Consultant, President, Dority and Associates, Inc., Author of Rethinking Information Work, 2d ed.

iSchool Student Services Lunch and Learn Series: Information Organization MLIS Pathway Q and A with Advisors

MLIS students interested in preparing for a career on the Information Organization MLIS pathway will have the opportunity to hear from faculty who teach classes that are part of the pathway. They will share insights about their classes and answer students’ questions about skills and technology trends when preparing for a career in this exciting pathway.

Panelists include:

  • Dr. Sylvia Hall-Ellis
  • Dr. Virginia Tucker
  • Dr. Lei Zhang

Information Intermediation and Instruction MLIS Pathway
iSchool Student Services Lunch and Learn Workshop

Information Intermediation and Instruction is a career pathway in the Master of Library and Information Science degree program. This pathway focuses on the skill set of helping users define and articulate their information needs. Intermediation and instruction occurs in a wide variety of LIS and non-LIS work environments. During this webcast, attendees will learn more about building a career in this pathway and meet with pathway instructors and the school’s director of online learning.

Panelists include:

  • Dr. José Aguiñaga, M.L.S., M.P.A., & Ed.D.
  • Dr. Lili Luo, Professor and Chair, Program Advisory Committee for the Information Intermediation and Instruction Pathway, SJSU School of Information
  • Bethany Winslow, M.S.Ed., Director of Online Learning, SJSU School of Information

Digital Assets Certificate / Q and A with Faculty from Data Science / Dig. Curation / Dig. Services / Emerg. Tech. Pathways
iSchool Student Services Lunch and Learn Workshop

Did you know, the Advanced Certificate in Strategic Management of Digital Assets and Services is a stackable 9-unit certificate option within the MLIS and MARA degree programs? Join us for an overview of this exciting option, including the three certificate pathways, as well as practical information on how to complete the requirements.

Then, meet with faculty who teach classes that are part of the certificate, and/or the MLIS career pathways of Data Science, Digital Curation, Digital Services, and Emerging Technology. They will share insights about their classes and answer student questions about preparing for a career in these pathways.

Panelists include:

  • Dr. Sue Alman
  • Dr. Michelle Chen
  • Dr. Darra Hofman
  • Dr. Geoffrey Liu
  • Alyce Scott
  • Dr. Michael Stephens