Community Profiles: Post-Master’s Certificate
The Army, Music and Librarianship with Kathryn Beyer
Kathryn Beyer is about to graduate from the SJSU iSchool Post-Master’s Certificate Program. She has had a multifaceted career that blends the Army and librarianship.
Kathryn Beyer, ‘24, Post-Master’s Certificate
Washington, D.C.
Bridging Knowledge Recipient Marcus Ortiz
“I wanted to learn more about my Hawaiian identity so I enrolled as an undergrad at the University of Hawaii at Manoa… while there I became privy to the historical traumas of colonization and how that manifests in modern times for Indigenous peoples. It was then that I felt compelled to support these populations—now I hope to help Indigenous students (among others) from the perspective of the library.”
Marcus Ortiz, ‘24, MLIS
Washington, D.C.
Metadata Librarian Stays Current With Post-Master’s Certificate in Web Programming
“As a metadata librarian, I like to work on projects that will be beneficial to my institution, but also in areas where I see a need. I like to collaborate with others and stay up-to-date on what is new in the field. It is so important to keep yourself connected with the professional community.”
Marina Morgan, Metadata Librarian
Florida Southern College
Lakeland, FL
Post Master’s Certificate Student Presents on Book to Action Program at CLA Conference
“This program has given me the opportunity to do something that I have always wanted to do in a structured way and also provided me with the framework for my sabbatical project.”
Anthony Lin
Librarian, Irvine Valley College
Irvine, CA
Digital Assets and Metadata Librarian Boosts Knowledge With Post-Master’s Certificate in Digital Curation
“I’ve gotten a really great foundation and deep look into what digital curation truly is. There’s a lot of perceptions out there that digital curation is just digital preservation and digitization but it’s much more than that. It’s the whole life cycle of a digital object. I’ve come to an appreciation of that life cycle and how you manage those materials. Thanks to the iSchool, SJSU, and all my professors for a great experience. I couldn’t be prouder to be a graduate from the iSchool.”
Megan Tietjen
E-Library Coordinator, The International Baccalaureate
Washington DC
Teacher-Librarian Gains the Formal Skills He Needs in Web Programming Through the San José State University School of Information
“All of my course work in the iSchool was challenging and relevant. The courses required the ability to learn programming languages and solve increasingly difficult problems with those languages. The teachers created learning experiences that required in-depth knowledge and the ability to solve problems in a systematic way.”
Al Walker
Post-Master’s Certificate Graduate 2018
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
A Post-Master’s Certificate from the iSchool Refreshes Dedicated Librarian’s MLIS and Creative Spirit
“What bothered me about other schools, to speak frankly, was that I bet if you looked at their course catalog from 1987, 2007, to today, one wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. The classes were dated. Even SJSU’s foundation classes are on par with issues and topics libraries are experiencing right now.”
Jennifer Stencel
May 2017 Post-Master’s Certificate Graduate
Akron, OH
Dedicated Librarian Enriches Her Communities Using Skills Learned in Post-Master’s Certificate Program
“I’d been working as a librarian for 10 years and was looking for some continuing education that would help me gain new and innovative skills to bring back to my communities. It was an excellent decision!”
Vicki Heck
Post-Master’s Certificate 2016 graduate
King County, Washington
Academic Librarian’s Webmaster Experiences During Post-Master’s Certificate Program Enhance Job Prospects
“There are frequent course starts and so many offerings. I could always find something that would apply to the certificate and didn’t have to wait for course rotations to get what I needed.“
Charles Seymour
Phoenix, Arizona
Post-Master’s Certificate student
Post-Master’s Certificate Brings New Job Opportunities for Experienced Librarian Returning to the Field
“I got more interviews as the number of courses I took increased. Companies like [when job applicants] demonstrate continued studying and learning. The certificate program definitely opened doors to interviews.”
Julianne Wells
Beaverton, Oregon
Web Editor, Stefanini
Post-Master’s Certificate student
Lou Kramer’s 21st Century Archival Education
“I never knew what the standards were, and now I understand more what needs to be done. I can take my knowledge and apply it to our collections and make sure we’re doing what we need to be doing.”
Lou Kramer
Archives Manager, Lynn and Louis Wolfson II Florida Moving Image Archives
iSchool Alumna (PMC 2016)
Patty Mapes Turns Teacher-Librarian and Earns Post-Master’s Certificate
“I feel like I am officially a teacher-librarian… Having the Post-Master’s Certificate validates and qualifies me for my position.”
Patty Mapes
Atlanta, Georgia
iSchool Alumna (Post-Master’s Certificate, 2015)