MARA Blog: Around the Web


Nominations Open for SAA 2025 Awards and Scholarships
The deadline for submitting a nomination or application is February 28, 2025

Published: January 29, 2025 by Andy Wiegert


Are you excellent? Do you know someone who is? Do you know someone who would nominate either you or that someone for the afore-mentioned excellence?

Welp, now’s your chance!

The Society of American Archivists annually recognizes leaders and achievers in the field of archives. SAA offers a variety of professional recognitions and financial assistance through an awards competition, student scholarships, and the naming of Fellows.


It’s National Archives Month!

American Archives Month

Published: October 14, 2019 by Kenna Wulker

October is American Archives Month! This month is all about raising awareness for the archiving profession and remembering why archives are important to our society and history.


An Upgrade for the Wilcox Archives

William Way LGBT Community Center Logo

Published: August 19, 2019 by Kenna Wulker

Thanks to a $300,000 grant, archives at the William Way Community Center in Philadelphia, PA are finally getting the treatment they deserve. In this collection are thousands of various items detailing the history of LGBTQ+ life.


National Treasure at the National Archives?

Published: July 12, 2019 by Kenna Wulker

We’ve all seen it: Nicholas Cage slyly stealing the Declaration of Independence to find hidden treasure map clues while in a twisted Robin Hood-type act, protecting the Declaration from falling into the hands of the rebel treasure hunters. While National Treasure presents a dramatic and over-exaggerated representation of a theft of great proportions, thefts similar can and have occurred, even with some of America’s most precious and prized documents.


Australia National Archives is at Risk

Published: July 19, 2019 by Katie Kuryla

Nearly 200,000 hours of recordings containing Australia’s memory are at risk under a looming six-year deadline to save the National Archives’ vulnerable files, its director-general says.


Around the Web: Preservation Standards for the Digital Age

Published: June 21, 2019 by Katie Kuryla

The expansion of standards in a digital era — and the need for interoperability between them — was the topic of a NAB 2019 Birds of a Feather discussion including representatives from five different groups involved with creating and redefining relevant standards: ASC, ETC, MESA, MovieLabs and CineCert.


Around the Web: Cybersecurity and Malware

Published: June 14, 2019 by Katie Kuryla

Researchers in Israel say they have developed a malware to draw attention to serious security weaknesses in critical medical imaging equipment used for diagnosing conditions and the networks that transmit those images — vulnerabilities that could have potentially life-altering consequences if unaddressed.


Archives in Context Podcast

Published: May 9, 2019 by Katie Kuryla

Podcasts are having a moment. They have been having “a moment” for awhile now but due to a class I recently took, I’ve been looking at podcasts in a different light lately. I enjoy a plethora of podcasts from skincare to crime but now I’ve been interested in the new podcast Archives in Context.


Archives Awareness: Digital Archive of the Shoshone Nation

Published: April 29, 2019 by Katie Kuryla

Digital archives are becoming popular in this instantaneous and constant communication world. Who wouldn’t want access to an archive digitally if you cannot make it to the physical location? The Northwestern Band of the Shoshone Nation has announced that Utah State University will help to convert and catalog the tribe’s historical documents into a public online archive.


In the News: Notre-Dame

Published: April 19, 2019 by Katie Kuryla

It is a tragedy that was seen all around the world, flames leaping from the top of Notre-Dame Cathedral on the evening of Monday April 15. The Paris fire brigade chaplain, Jean-Marc Fournier, had one thing in mind as he tried to fight the fire - rescue the two most sacred relics.


20th Century Fox Oral History

Published: April 5, 2019 by Katie Kuryla

I recently finished my oral history class and while I thought I was just taking this class for the credit, it ended up opening my eyes to the world of Oral History. And just in time too because as March 20, 2019, Walt Disney Co. acquired Twentieth Century Fox, FX, Fox Searchlight, and NatGeo. This marks the final drumbeat for the historic 20th Century Fox, which was one of Hollywood’s six major studios.


#BalanceforBetter: International Women’s Day

Logo from International Women's Day Site

Published: March 8, 2019 by Katie Kuryla

It is International Women’s Day on March 8th and to celebrate, cities around the world are showing examples of #BalanceforBetter, this years theme. If you are in Chicago, check out the event where an art therapist talks about her proposal for an art therapy archives.