Published: September 2, 2021 by Leslie Parry
Fall semester is finally here! Whether you’re just beginning INFO
200, preparing your e-Portfolio, or simply trying to recover your
student brain after summer vacation, you’ll likely be tackling
some major assignments in the coming months (or – gulp – weeks).
Need help with a research paper? Want a refresher on citations or
abstracts? Can’t be sure whether to use “who” or “whom”? The San José State
University Writing Center offers a host of excellent free
services – and a number are designed specifically for
graduate students. From tutoring to live-chat sessions, how-to
videos and handouts, the Writing Center can help you
navigate the complexities of academic writing (or just master the
nuts and bolts). Writing skills will be an asset in school and
beyond, so there’s never a wrong time to reach out. I spoke with
Michelle Hager, Director of the SJSU Writing Center, about
the most useful resources for School of
Information students.