Community Profiles: Internships

Community Profile

Archiving Special Collections at SJSU with Kate Steffens

Kate Steffens at the SJSU Annual Author and Artist Celebration with her most recent book.

“It’s a really great team and we all really get along and complement each other’s work and you know, try and do a lot of outreach together and work on projects together. I know having been part of a group called CSU Archivists, how lucky I am to be at San José State because there are quite a few people in the system who are like the lone archivist with no student assistants and no other people helping them. So having four people feels like an army to me.”

San José, CA 
Kate Steffens, ‘19 MLIS 

Community Profile

Documenting Black Librarianship with Selena Lee and Katie Perry

Katherine Perry and Selena Lee Poster Presenters

“Having Selena as a partner in this research made it 1000 times easier and better and it made it easier to accept the help, too. So really lean on your partners in your internship and your learning experience and your research. This research is going to help define our careers in the future.”

Katie Perry, ‘23 MLIS
Selena Lee, MLIS (expected May 2024)

Community Profile

Muppets and MLIS Mayhem with SLASC President Lauren Kime

“Being a part of that production, and post-production, seeing the full scale of what it takes to not only write something and have it approved but also get it produced, and then all the marketing that goes into it and all of the appearances and promotions and everything, it’s definitely changed the way that I view puppetry as a whole… because there’s just so much more to it than just someone sticking their hand into a puppet and making it talk.”

Lauren Kime, MLIS/DAM Certificate December 2023 
Los Angeles, CA

Community Profile

Community Archives Volunteer Looks Forward to Career in Librarianship

 “I really enjoy connecting youth and family to their favorite things while finding pathways to empower them. Librarianship is a career that will let me connect those things as well as also allow me to serve my community on a larger level.”

Monica Vega Latona
MLIS Student (degree expected spring 2020)
Library Assistant, Sacramento Public Library
Sacramento, California

Community Profile

iSchool Alumna Explores Both Archives and Public Librarianship After Graduation

“One of the reasons I chose to do SJSU’s program was because I needed to continue to work. There was no way that I could just go to school full time, and SJSU is really flexible in that regard. One semester I took five classes, worked, did the e-Portfolio and I look back and don’t know how I did it, but somehow I made it all work.”​

Patricia Delara  
Librarian, Daly City Public Library
Daly City, CA​   

Community Profile

iSchool Graduate Finds Exciting Opportunities in Los Angeles

“Try to meet other people working in the field or who are studying similar things. I was really glad I got to work in a public library while I was going to school. The internships also helped me meet a diverse group of people with different skill sets, so just try to get out there as much as you can. Build your network out not just up, as we were told during the Academy Gold program. Build connections with your peers so you can all bring yourselves up in the process.” ​

Gerard Collins   
Resident Archivist, LA as Subject
Burbank, CA​            

Community Profile

MLIS Student Joy Kim Expands Experience with Multiple Internships

Joy Kim

“Every internship was so unique and different. The greatest takeaway is that librarianship comes in all shapes and sizes! I was grateful to experience so many ways to be an information professional and I loved all of them! It will be really hard to decide where to end up after I finish the program this fall.”

Joy Kim
MLIS Student, SJSU
Bay Area, California

Community Profile

San José State University School of Information Student Reaches Beyond the Classroom to Compound Her Professional Skillset

“The range of concentrations that SJSU offers was also extremely appealing. The scope of areas that are included within the field of librarianship alone is appealing. My work experience in librarianship thus far has been in a military community library and a public library. The courses available in general librarianship provided me with the accepted best practices relevant to collection development, collection management, cataloging, and research/reference needs.”

Kate Eminhizer
MLIS Student
Emporia, VA

Community Profile

Jennifer Gavin Takes Archives To Space and Beyond

“I absolutely needed the MARA degree to get into this field. You need experience, continuing education through certifications or some manner, and you need the degree in order to really become successful and get that dream job.”

Jennifer Gavin
Atascadero, CA
Associate Intern, NASA
MARA Student (Expected Graduation Fall 2016)

Community Profile

Career Changer Darren Ilett Builds a Model for Success

“The thing that draws me to libraries,” says San José State University School of Information student Darren Ilett, “is the focus on service and making a positive impact for whatever communities we serve. And the emphasis on education.”