Community Profiles: Special Librarianship
Access For All with Marc Hoffeditz
“I am a practitioner at heart, I like helping people figure out the nuts and bolts way to make things happen.”
Marc Hoffeditz, MLIS ‘24
Northampton, Massachusetts
The Enlightened Generalist: Odin Halvorson
“[In the] work that we do as librarians, there is no part of knowledge that we don’t connect to. Everything is our domain. And that just suited me.”
Odin Halvorson, MLIS expected ‘24
Richmond, Virginia
The Army, Music and Librarianship with Kathryn Beyer
Kathryn Beyer is about to graduate from the SJSU iSchool Post-Master’s Certificate Program. She has had a multifaceted career that blends the Army and librarianship.
Kathryn Beyer, ‘24, Post-Master’s Certificate
Washington, D.C.
Archiving Special Collections at SJSU with Kate Steffens
“It’s a really great team and we all really get along and complement each other’s work and you know, try and do a lot of outreach together and work on projects together. I know having been part of a group called CSU Archivists, how lucky I am to be at San José State because there are quite a few people in the system who are like the lone archivist with no student assistants and no other people helping them. So having four people feels like an army to me.”
San José, CA
Kate Steffens, ‘19 MLIS
Muppets and MLIS Mayhem with SLASC President Lauren Kime
“Being a part of that production, and post-production, seeing the full scale of what it takes to not only write something and have it approved but also get it produced, and then all the marketing that goes into it and all of the appearances and promotions and everything, it’s definitely changed the way that I view puppetry as a whole… because there’s just so much more to it than just someone sticking their hand into a puppet and making it talk.”
Lauren Kime, MLIS/DAM Certificate December
Los Angeles, CA
Fostering Community in Special Libraries with Max Gonzalez Burdick
“The roles that libraries or archives play in actively impacting the Hispanic or Latinx community is limitless. I have also conducted bilingual storytimes in both English and Spanish, not only to help the Hispanic community but to also help civilians who wish to speak in Spanish. It’s really a collaborative effort in trying to enrich the community with diversity; a much-needed sentiment in everyday life.”
Max Gonzalez Burdick
SJSU MLIS, Expected Spring ‘23
Christina Chavez Nelson On Finding Her Destiny in Library Work
“I would definitely tell my younger self, don’t get married to the idea of the traditional journey. That’s not gonna be your life. You’re gonna do it in all different kinds of ways. And you know what, that’s okay, too. Just keep going with whatever is working for you. Life really is too short and you don’t want to sit there with your what-ifs.”
Christina Chavez Nelson
SJSU MLIS Projected ‘26
Championing Student Success with Chris Lopez
“You have to ask yourself, what’s the Counseling Center doing? What’s the Women’s Resource Center doing? What’s the LGBTQ Center doing? How can I partner with them, because they’re getting to that holistic side of the student? They’re speaking to that and that’s where I want to help them see that the library is like a co-conspirator.”
Chris Lopez, ‘21 MLIS
Preserving Indigenous Latine Culture with Briana Alvino
“Many of us are first-gen grad students, so there’s a lot of pressure to live up to the expectations of our family and peers. Don’t be afraid to explore all the different fields LIS has to offer, and keep in mind that the Latine community is proud of you no matter what.”
Briana Alvino
SJSU MLIS, Projected ‘24
Alumna Rosa Hall Made the Most of Her Time in the iSchool
“When I started the iSchool’s program I wanted to make sure that I got experience with different kinds of libraries and librarianship. Since I had started in an academic library, worked as a library aid in a public library as well as an intern in a corrections facility library, when I saw that they were hiring at Hansen Bridget I thought it would be a really good experience to try law librarianship as well.”
Rosa Hall, ‘20 MLIS
Assistant Research and Library Operations Specialist, Hanson
Bridgett LLP
San Francisco, CA
iSchool Alumna Named Special Libraries Association Fellow
“[The Special Libraries Association] has really been incredibly valuable for me in my personal career…. People are, by and large, very willing to share knowledge.”
Anne N. Barker, ‘05 MLIS
Senior Information Specialist, Genentech
San Rafael, California
Community Archives Volunteer Looks Forward to Career in Librarianship
“I really enjoy connecting youth and family to their favorite things while finding pathways to empower them. Librarianship is a career that will let me connect those things as well as also allow me to serve my community on a larger level.”
Monica Vega Latona
MLIS Student (degree expected spring 2020)
Library Assistant, Sacramento Public Library
Sacramento, California
Catching Up With Dr. Michele Villagran
“As we continue to work in diverse workplaces, we have to consider how our own understanding, practices and behaviors impact how effective we are in our interactions.”
Michele A.L. Villagran, Ed.D, MSLS, MBA., MDR.
Assistant Professor, SJSU School of Information
CEO and President, CulturalCo, LLC
Alhambra, California
International Studies and Legal Work Lead to a Career in Law Librarianship
“With the iSchool MLIS classes, I was able to tailor my assignments to fit my library work.”
Jessica Pierucci, ‘16 MLIS
Research Law Librarian
Foreign, Comparative and International Law
University of California, Irvine
Diligent MLIS Grad Serves as Regional Director for Network of Regional Medical Libraries
“I found every one of the instructors [at SJSU] to be intelligent, knowledgeable and excited about the field. I especially found many of the adjunct professors who were actively working in the field helped to share the “real world” of librarianship and added to the experience.”
Eve Melton
MLIS Graduate 2001
Stockton, CA
Dolly Goulart Says Hello to Corporate Librarianship
“Our mission statement for the library is to provide actual intelligence to the employee base. At the end of the day, our purpose is to make sure that employees, for whatever reason they come to us, are smarter and more informed when they’ve left us.”
Dolly Goulart
Library Director, Qualcomm
iSchool Alumna (MLIS 2002)
San José State University School of Information alumna Dolly Goulart finds her niche in the world of corporate librarianship.
Food for Thought
“I wasn’t sure I saw myself as a librarian. But having gone through [the MLIS program], I now understand the professionalism associated with this role. Now I have a larger view, and the values behind this role and why we do what we do.”
Sharon Tani
Pasadena, California
iSchool Alumna (MLIS, 2011)
Scholarships, Internships and Conferences—Oh My!
“I just like information… Ever since I started reading, I wanted to know, and to share information. I enjoy helping other people find the information that they need.”
Emily Agunod
Chesterfield, Virginia
MLIS Student, Expected Graduation December 2015
Librarians Will Save Us All
Alumna Brandy Buenafe loves her work. She’s not only a librarian, but a public safety bastion.