Community Profiles: PhD
Bridging Knowledge Recipient Marcus Ortiz
“I wanted to learn more about my Hawaiian identity so I enrolled as an undergrad at the University of Hawaii at Manoa… while there I became privy to the historical traumas of colonization and how that manifests in modern times for Indigenous peoples. It was then that I felt compelled to support these populations—now I hope to help Indigenous students (among others) from the perspective of the library.”
Marcus Ortiz, ‘24, MLIS
Washington, D.C.
Becoming an Instruction Librarian with Michael Stephens
“Now I like to say it’s a class in humanism and library services masquerading as a technology class because we do a lot with technology, but it really, really is about making connections with people. And how we might help them and serve their needs to live good lives in whatever information environment these folks are in.”
Michael Stephens
SJSU iSchool Professor
Making Higher Education Accessible with Dr. Walter Butler
“So my interest was, how are [college] libraries changing? How are Open Educational Resources impacting their structures, and what new structures are now emerging to support this new effort?”
Dr. Walter Butler
Pasadena, CA
SJSU Ph.D. March 2022
Nilo Sarraf Takes Smart Data to the Next Level
“I see it as my responsibility, while I’m alive, to do something that can… contribute to the body of information science knowledge.”
Nilo Sarraf
San Francisco, California
San José Gateway PhD Student
Expected Degree Confirmation August 2016