Career Blog


Career Blog

Career development is on everyone’s minds. After all, that’s why most, if not all, of our students come to us. This blog is all about giving you the latest and greatest in what’s going on in the job market. Chock-full of tips and guidance, the Career Blog is a must-read for all students and job seekers.

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Career Blog

Jean Bedord Advises: Expand Your Job Search

Published: November 29, 2016 by Kate M. Spaulding

iSchool instructor Jean Bedord shares, “Students are always amazed at the variety of organizations that hire MLIS graduates, although the open positions may have very different job titles.”

Career Blog

Scott Brown Tells Us to Lean On Our Skills

Published: November 11, 2016 by Kate M. Spaulding

Scott Brown thinks people will continue to need information and will continue to need guidance around finding and using the best and most relevant, reliable information available. Here’s how to prepare.

Career Blog

Dr. Sandra Hirsh Urges Us to Never Stop Learning

Published: October 21, 2016 by Kate M. Spaulding

If you’re familiar with the iSchool, then you’re familiar with (at least) the name of Dr. Sandra Hirsh. She’s our director, as well as a professor, writer and researcher. In her career, Dr. Hirsh has explored several branches of the LIS tree, and all of this experience made her a great fit for her current position. You can read more about how she juggles work and life over on the iStudent Blog, where she chronicled a day in her life. I’m so grateful she agreed to answer my questions, and I’m happy to share her thoughts about growing your networks, constantly educating yourself, and participating in professional associations. Thank you, Dr. Hirsh!

Career Blog

Dr. Sue Alman & Taking Charge of Your Career

Published: October 14, 2016 by Kate M. Spaulding

Some words of wisdom from Dr. Sue Alman on careers for information professionals.

Today I am pleased to present some words of wisdom from Dr. Sue Alman. As you will read, her career has covered a lot of ground! She is currently a full-time faculty member here at the iSchool, where she teaches four courses. If you’re anything like me, you are probably most familiar with her name from seeing it on iSchool emails; she’s the contact for those students needing real-time captioning or other accommodations at events like Career Webcasts.

Career Blog

Four Ways to Boost Your Career at Library 2.0

Published: October 3, 2016 by Kate M. Spaulding

Four ways you can help your career via Library 2.0, a free, virtual annual conference happening October 6.

Have you registered for the Library 2.0 conference that’s happening this week? Perhaps I should back up a bit – do you know about the free, virtual, Library 2.0 conference happening on October 6? If not, you should definitely check it out, as it’s a pretty amazing collection of events that the iSchool puts together for the LIS community each year.

Career Blog

Networking Is So Much Better – and Easier – Than It Sounds!

Published: September 30, 2016 by Kate M. Spaulding

For many of us, networking sounds terrible, not fun, icky, boring, an activity for “old people” (where “old” = whatever you think!), overrated, old-school, intimidating, awkward, anxiety-inducing, formal, and other less-than-optimal adjectives. But it doesn’t have to (and really, shouldn’t) be terrible, and it can be super-helpful for your career.

Career Blog

Librarians to The Rescue

Published: September 27, 2016 by Kate M. Spaulding

The skills you learn as a student can take you in any direction you’re interested in – including digital marketing!