Career Blog: Social Media and Careers


Career Blog: Social Media and Careers

Career Blog

How to Use Conference #Hashtags

Published: June 16, 2017 by Kate M. Spaulding

Use Twitter to enhance your conference experience, whether you’re attending or not!

It’s (un)officially summer, which means conference season is warming up (or fiery hot). These days, in addition to weird acronyms and too many reusable bags, conferences also come with their very own Twitter hashtags. Some of you may be rolling your eyes at this point, but they actually can be useful. #trust

Career Blog Networking

LinkedIn as a Job Search Tool

Published: April 4, 2017 by Kate M. Spaulding

By now, I know you know that LinkedIn should be part of your job-hunting arsenal (I think you also need a website). But maybe you’re switching careers, or haven’t updated your profile in a while, or aren’t sure about what you should include or exclude. However, even if you have a perfectly put-together and up-to-date-profile, you might not know how to really make LinkedIn work for you (I don’t).