iStudent Blog: Curriculum
SJSU iSchool Teacher Librarianship Alumna Publishes Original Research
Published: June 29, 2017
Allison Rothman knew something needed to be done about the local middle school’s use of e-readers. There was no continuity with choice of device or downloading service, and school librarians were venturing into uncharted territory with little guidance and few standards. Being both a teacher in a city school and a student at the SJSU School of Information meant that Rothman had immediate access to the resources she needed to make something dynamic happen for her students.
From Great Grad School Paper to Getting Published — SJSU iSchool Students’ Work Goes out into the World
Published: June 15, 2017
Students at the SJSU iSchool work hard on their academic papers, pouring their passion and hours of research into a project to make it the best it can be. Instructors appreciate this kind of effort and so do editors. Recently, several iSchool students and alumni submitted their graduate school research and writing to LIS publications and been rewarded not only with publication but glowing praises of the publication editors.
Library 2.017 Conference Reviews LIS Education and the SJSU iSchool Measures Up Strong
Published: April 13, 2017
“We are educating for the future, not the present.” Experts identify the important qualifications for information professionals.
Time to Shop for Fall 2017: Course Highlights
Learn About Real World Teen Service at the SJSU iSchool
Published: December 14, 2016
So you think you want to be a teen services librarian? SJSU School of Information instructor Jennifer Velásquez wants to help you become the best teen services librarian you can be. So much so that she even wrote a whole book to do just that.
SJSU iSchool Professors Outline the Details of Enrolling in an Internship
Published: November 30, 2016
Why do an internship? Well not just because SJSU School of Information Director Dr. Sandra Hirsh recommends that you do in her director’s forums but because internships offer a great way to gain valuable work experience, expand your professional network and have valuable references for future job applications.
Spring 2017 Course Registration is in the Air this November at the SJSU iSchool
Published: October 27, 2016
Spring courses for 2017 offer flexibility and exciting new classes.
If you’re like me and most current students at the SJSU School of Information, you’re deep in the trenches of the fall semester, but now is the time to plan for the future. The spring semester course schedules have been posted and registration begins on November 1, 2016 by appointment for Regular Session students and November 8, 2016 for Special Session students. Registration closes on January 23, 2017 for all students.
Enhance Your Coursework, Knowledge and Career Horizons with iSchool Webcasts
Published: August 30, 2016
Your education at the SJSU School of Information goes far beyond turning in course assignments. Students at the iSchool can participate in student groups, online conferences and attend live career webcasts. Recordings of these presentations are available for you to listen to at your convenience.
The iSchool’s MARA Program–The Best Way to Prepare for a Career in the Growing Field of Information Governance
Published: August 10, 2016
If you enjoy learning about data governance, government regulations, records management and archival strategies, then the iSchool’s MARA program is a perfect fit for you.
Expand Your Knowledge, Your Skills and Your Horizons: Post-Master’s Certificate
Published: July 20, 2016
If you’ve already completed a master’s program (my admiration to you) and you’d like to broaden your skillset or update your knowledge of current technology, then the iSchool’s Post-Master’s Certificate is a great way to take your library and information skills to the next level. With new students joining the program in both the fall and spring semesters, 42 information professionals have completed the certificate since 2012.
Internships Make an Impact on Your Coursework, Your Resume and Your Life
Published: June 15, 2016
Internships provide on-the-job work experience, great networking career contacts, and a life-changing experience for iSchool students.
Become a Data Scientist of the Future With the iSchool’s Big Data Certificate
Published: May 18, 2016
Businesses, financial institutions, public and academic libraries, and dozens of other kinds of organizations rely on data science to make critical decisions.
The iSchool’s Best Resources for Networking and Planning Your Career
INFO 285 Research Methods– A Required Course with a Wealth of Opportunities
Published: February 24, 2016
The iSchool only requires a handful of courses to complete your MLIS degree, leaving the rest of your 43 units up to you. You know about your core courses—Info 200 Information Communities, Info 202 Information Retrieval System Design and Info 204 Information Professions.
Master Your Skills with the Advanced Certificate in Strategic Management of Digital Assets and Services
Published: October 28, 2015
If you’re interested in digging even deeper and becoming even more qualified to solve the management issues of the digital age, the iSchool’s new Advanced Certificate in Strategic Management of Digital Assets and Services is perfect for getting you into this exciting career field.
Exploring iSchool Career Pathways—Emerging Technologies: Issues and Trends
Published: September 9, 2015
Do you love being part of an ever-changing world of social media, bridging the digital divide, and connecting people and communities with new and evolving ways of accessing information? Not only do you sound like an information professional, but you sound like one who would really enjoy the classes offered in the iSchool’s Emerging Technologies: Issues and Trends career pathway.
Use the iSchool Pinterest Boards for Great Tips and Resources During Grad School
Published: July 23, 2015
Social media platforms like Pinterest can be a great way to gather helpful tips, keep track of essential resources, and find out about interesting events and developments in the world of libraries and information management. The iSchool has a lot of great Pinterest boards, including some that are especially helpful to new students.