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Dr. Michael Stephens’ New Book is filled with Heart

iSchool Assistant Professor Dr. Michael Stephens’ new book, The Heart of Librarianship: Attentive, Positive, and Purposeful Change, focuses on six thematic areas and  paints “a picture of a humanist, user-focused, hyperlinked librarian filled with heart.”


SJSU iSchool Alumnus Appointed Library Dean

SJSU School of Information alumnus Dr. Dennis M. Swanson (’95 MLIS) is the new dean of library services at the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. “My program at SJSU was simply amazing…”


Virtual Convocation Celebrates 2016 iSchool Graduates

Toby Greenwalt will send graduates off on their next journey with his convocation address during the iSchool’s synchronous virtual convocation ceremony at 11 a.m. PDT on Saturday, May 21, 2016.

It is graduation time at the San José State University (SJSU) School of Information (iSchool), and several events are planned in celebration of those who have completed their studies in the past calendar year.