Career Blog: Job Search


Career Blog: Job Search

Career Blog

Take a Look at Your MLIS Skills at Work

Published: November 11, 2020 by Jillian Collins

The puzzle of finding a job. We’ve all been there, searching for that missing piece: the words that make sense; sighing at results that require experience we don’t know or have. The options, though, are more than you would think. The MLIS Skills at Work: A Snapshot of Job Titles report takes a look at current trends, needs, and actual job postings broken down to show you what is out there and what career might be looking for you.

Career Blog

Write for the Job? Strengthen Workplace Writing Skills with the SJSU Writing Center

Published: October 7, 2020 by Jillian Collins

A well-written 14-page paper is great for a grade. But would you want to read a 14-page email? Probably not! This is why you need the expertise of the SJSU Writing Center, an incredibly valuable professional development resource often overlooked by students. As you launch your career, you’re likely to find that the employer who wants you also wants you to be an effective business communicator. That’s where the Writing Center can provide you with a career competitive edge.

Career Blog

5 Things Not to Do When You’re Looking for a Job

Published: October 1, 2020 by iSchool Career Advisor

Looking for a job takes a lot of time and energy. In fact, you may have heard that job searching is a full-time job in itself. That is at least when you do your job search the right way. A half-fast job search is a waste of your precious time and energy. Your confidence and self-esteem may also take a beating due to the constant feelings of rejection when you don’t hear anything back from employers.

Career Blog

Facebook: For Friends & Job Hunting

Published: September 21, 2018 by Evelyn Hudson

If you’re like one of billions of people around the world, you have a Facebook account. You probably use it to catch up with friends and see what’s happening in your community. But did you know that Facebook can also be used to find jobs? Well, it can! Here are a few tips to make job hunting on Facebook a fun and fruitful experience.

Career Blog

Career Resources Webinar Re-Cap: Your LIS Career Starts HERE!

Published: September 10, 2018 by Evelyn Hudson

Do you consider yourself an expert on all the career resources on the iSchool website? If not, there was a great webinar to catch you up! This past week, students were treated to insider tips on how to best use the iSchool career resources by Jill Klees, iSchool Career Consultant for Students and Alumni. Klees hosted the webinar “Your LIS Career Starts HERE!” for nearly three dozen attendees.

Career Blog

Frequently Asked Questions about References

Published: September 5, 2020 by iSchool Career Advisor

I have received several questions about the use of references in the job search and interview process. Here are just a few of the questions and answers.

Q: How important are the people I choose to be my references? Does it really make a difference and do employers really call them?

Career Blog

A Diploma and a Plan: What to Do After Graduation

Published: June 26, 2018 by Evelyn Hudson

If you just graduated a few weeks ago and are wondering, “What am I supposed to do now?”—the iSchool offers excellent webinars that answer that very question.

For example, the “Graduated – Now What?” webinar explains the smart steps to take once you toss your tassel. Jill Klees, iSchool Career Liaison, hosted this helpful webinar.

Career Blog

All About LibGig

Published: November 14, 2017 by Kate M. Spaulding

In my quest to learn All The Things LIS careers-related, I spoke to Brad Rogers, Director of Recruiting at LibGig. LibGig is a staffing firm for the library and information management professions, which means it’s customized for people like us and organizations who might hire us.

Career Blog

LIS Jobs in Pharma and Beyond

Published: November 7, 2017 by Kate M. Spaulding

Are you interested in a career outside of academic or public libraries? Are you curious about LIS jobs in the pharmaceutical industry or another STEM area? Do you want to know what job titles to search for beyond “librarian”? Then I wholeheartedly recommend you watch a recent Career Development webcast: Information Management Roles in Pharmaceutical Companies.

Career Blog

4 Benefits of Your Alumni Network

Published: September 15, 2017 by Kate M. Spaulding

One of the nice things about the iSchool’s online community is that there are a lot of ways to connect. Besides class discussion posts and group projects, we have

Career Blog

Handshake: SJSU’s New Jobs Database

Published: September 12, 2017 by Kate M. Spaulding

If you are not brand new to the iSchool, you may remember SpartaJobs, SJSU’s job database. SpartaJobs is dead; long live Handshake! Handshake is the name of the new database, and it couldn’t be easier to start using. Current students automatically have access, and recent alumni retain access for one year post-graduation.