iStudent Blog: iSchool 101


iStudent Blog: iSchool 101

iStudent Blog

New To iSchool? Gain Peer-to-peer Insight On Best Practices Here!

Published: Monday, August 27, 2018 by Priscilla Ameneyro

Welcome to the SJSU School of Information! Fall semester has just begun, so there’s no better time to create a success plan. As a student who is almost at the end of her program, I’m going to share some best practices and resources for new (and returning) students that helped me along the way. In this article, I’ll walk you through my recommendations for making the most of your iSchool experience from day one. 

iStudent Blog

New Tool: Find An Elective Without A Core Course Prerequisite

Published: August 20, 2018 by Priscilla Ameneyro

You should already be familiar with the suite of tools available to help you develop your focused plan as part of the Advising Toolkit, including the Unit Planning Tool and MLIS Course Tracker. These tools can help make your life easier as you plan each semester towards completing your degree. With a wealth of classes to choose from and multiple career pathways, it can sometimes be overwhelming to narrow down your class decisions, not to mention checking if the class is intensive, how many units it is and whether or not there are prerequisites. Luckily, a new tool has been developed to save you time when trying to figure out which advanced classes you can take, based on what core courses you still need to complete

iStudent Blog

Unexpected Benefits Of An MLIS Degree

Published: August 13, 2018 by Priscilla Ameneyro

From backyard projects to beefing up your resume, we’re going to talk about the less conventional benefits of your future degree. I hope this blog post gives you the confidence to transfer the skills you develop in school to your next job application or venture into uncharted territory. At the very least, this article should make you proud of your personal development every day you work towards your MLIS or MARA degree.

iStudent Blog

The Lives Of Three Phd Students – Is A PhD Right For Me?

Published: July 2, 2018 by Priscilla Ameneyro

As my final semester at SJSU rapidly approaches, I’m starting to look for jobs and also research PhD programs. There are two main reasons I’m considering a PhD: the increasingly competitive job market and as a lifelong learner, more school sounds fun! I had the opportunity to speak with three of San José Gateway PhD Program’s current students. The San José Gateway PhD program is an international doctoral program currently offered in partnership with the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). If you’re interested in more information on the program itself, I recommend visiting the FAQs page or filling out an information request form. For this article, I wanted to focus on the personal journeys of the three PhD students I interviewed:

iStudent Blog

Survival Tips For The End Of The Semester

Published: June 13, 2018

We’ve almost reached the end of fall 2017. Everybody’s busy trying to meet deadlines and wrap up their classes. It can be hard to look forward to the holidays when all you can think about is that final paper you need to get done. Hang in there, the finish line is so close you can almost touch it! Here’s my advice for keeping your head straight while you tackle those final assignments, as well as start getting prepared for the holiday season.

iStudent Blog

Save Money Going To School Online

Published: Monday, April 30, 2018 by Priscilla Ameneyro

Before the iSchool, I had no experience taking classes online. I was a little apprehensive at first, but now I wouldn’t trade it for anything. There are so many advantages to being a virtual student. One that might not seem obvious right away is the financial benefit. With the rising cost of tuition and the burden of student loans, applying to an exclusively online program like those offered by the SJSU School of Information, is a smart move.

iStudent Blog

Meet Your Faculty Advisors

Published: March 26, 2018

New welcome videos help you choose the right faculty advisor for you.

istudent_facultyadvisors.pngYou’re bound to have questions as you navigate through your program at the School of Information. Thankfully, the iSchool has plenty of resources to help you along the way. One of those is the faculty advisor team, who are available to answer your questions about course selections and career pathways based on their areas of expertise. Now you can watch a quick one to two minute welcome video to get to know each advisor and determine the right person to reach out to for assistance. With 50 advisors to choose from, you are sure to find your perfect match.

iStudent Blog

Top Writing Tips

Puistudent_blog_writing.pngblished: February 20, 2018

Improve your papers with these top tips from the School of Information Student Research Journal editorial team.

iStudent Blog

Getting Good Grades

xmas_good_grades.jpgPublished: December 27, 2017

Disappointed with your grades? Get advice from your peers and professors for boosting your GPA.

For those of you who completed your SOTEs evaluations on time, you can access your final grades for fall now. If not, you’ll have access starting December 30th.

iStudent Blog

Student Discounts To Take Advantage Of This Shopping Season

Published: November 27, 2017 by Priscilla Ameneyro

If you’ve already completed your holiday shopping and scored some major deals during the madness of Black Friday, I salute you. If you’re like me, you’ve planned out what you want to get but you haven’t actually bought it yet. Then there’s the third type of shopper: the leave it to the last minute and hope for the best kind. Whatever your style, I’ve compiled a list of awesome discounts that are available for students, from retail stores to saving money on your monthly cell-phone bill, it pays to have a .edu email address.

iStudent Blog

ASIS&T Student Chapter Welcomes New Membership Director

Published: November 13, 2017

A conversation with SJSU ASIS&T Student Chapter’s newest executive committee member, MLIS student Lauren Frazier.

lauren_frazier_100x100.jpgPlease join me in congratulating MLIS student Lauren Frazier on her new appointment as the Membership Director for SJSU’s ASIS&T Student Chapter! I chatted with Lauren to get to know her, find out more about ASIS&T and her plans for her new role.

iStudent Blog

Best Place to Study

Published: October 3, 2017 by Priscilla Ameneyro

You’ll spend countless hours studying for your degree, so you might as well study somewhere that you’re comfortable and will allow you to get the most out of your time. Armed with a laptop and my powers of observation, I set out to discover the best place to study. I also spoke to several of my iSchool classmates in INFO 244 about where they like to study and what their ideal study environment looks like.  Here’s what I found out:

iStudent Blog

Thoughts and Inspiration on Work and Life: A Chat with iSchool Director Sandy Hirsh

Published: August 13, 2017

Well folks, it’s down to my penultimate post here at the SJSU School of Information’s iStudent Blog and I’ve been reflecting a lot about my six years at the iSchool and the last three as the lead writer for this blog. I wanted to share some of my thoughts and reflections with someone who gets it: iSchool Director Sandy Hirsh.

iStudent Blog

Looking for a Career in Public Libraries? The SJSU iSchool has the Inside Scoop with Career Webinars

Published: May 10, 2017

If you’re just about to graduate and are looking for a career in public libraries, then not only do we have a lot in common, but we are both interested in what it takes to make ourselves stand out as an exceptional job candidate. Earlier this spring, Jesse Walker-Lanz, the Adult and Digital Services Administrator for the County Library of Los Angeles gave a presentation entitled “How to Interview & Find Career Success in Public Libraries.”

iStudent Blog

Equipping Your Home Learning Environment for Success in the SJSU iSchool Online Graduate Program

Published: April 5, 2017

The SJSU School of Information is an exclusively online program, which means you can go to class anywhere with a properly equipped computer and a little know-how. You can go to school at your favorite café! You can catch up on coursework during your lunch hour and read discussion posts from your smartphone while waiting in line at the post office/bus stop/line at Starbucks (fill in the proverbial blank). So what does it mean exactly to have a computing environment properly equipped for grad school? Read on to learn how to proceed and succeed in the iSchool’s online program.