Profiles of PhD Students and Alumni


Jessica Lewis Marshall

Jessica Lewis Marshall

Proposal Title: The Intersection of Digital Archives and National Identity in Jamaica: A Focus on the National Library

SJSU Supervisor: Dr. Dara Hofman

MMU Supervisor(s): Dr. Shirin Hirsh



Current or Most Recent Position:

Acting Campus Library at The University of the West Indies, Mona Library, Kingston, Jamaica. 


Natalie Wells

Proposal Title: Best Practices in Academic Libraries for Helping Neurodivergent (ID) Students in the United States of America and the United Kingdom

SJSU Supervisor: Dr. Michele Villagran

MMU Supervisor(s): Dr. Kirsty Fife, Jenny Rowley


BA Psychology: Clinical/Counseling, Minor, Women’s Studies, San Jose State University

MA Social Sciences, San Jose State University


Elizabeth Dill

Elizabeth Dill Dill has been actively involved in various library related organizations and initiatives. She co-edited a book for the Association of College and Research Libraries entitled, “Intersections of Open Educational Resources and Information Literacy.” She has been a vocal advocate for open access and diversity in librarianship and has written and spoken extensively on these topics. 

Proposal Title: A Conceptual Framework for Librarian Professional Hesitancy