iStudent Blog


iStudent Blog

Students in all of our programs, as well as applicants, will find the iStudent Blog a gold mine. Written by a current student, this blog provides important information and resources and useful advice, including posts about courses, career pathways, online learning, time management, student groups, conferences, and financial aid.

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iStudent Blog

Looking for a Career in Public Libraries? The SJSU iSchool has the Inside Scoop with Career Webinars

Published: May 10, 2017

If you’re just about to graduate and are looking for a career in public libraries, then not only do we have a lot in common, but we are both interested in what it takes to make ourselves stand out as an exceptional job candidate. Earlier this spring, Jesse Walker-Lanz, the Adult and Digital Services Administrator for the County Library of Los Angeles gave a presentation entitled “How to Interview & Find Career Success in Public Libraries.”

iStudent Blog

How SJSU iSchool Students Rev Up for the End of the Semester and Unwind for Summer

Published: May 10, 2017

You’re almost there—the end of the semester is almost here. Some of you may be feeling relief while others may be feeling overwhelmed. Do not despair! Help, hope and happy days are ahead. SJSU iSchool students have become experts at organizing, planning and finding the right way to celebrate and are very willing to share their tips with you.

iStudent Blog

Equipping Your Home Learning Environment for Success in the SJSU iSchool Online Graduate Program

Published: April 5, 2017

The SJSU School of Information is an exclusively online program, which means you can go to class anywhere with a properly equipped computer and a little know-how. You can go to school at your favorite café! You can catch up on coursework during your lunch hour and read discussion posts from your smartphone while waiting in line at the post office/bus stop/line at Starbucks (fill in the proverbial blank). So what does it mean exactly to have a computing environment properly equipped for grad school? Read on to learn how to proceed and succeed in the iSchool’s online program.

iStudent Blog

Time to Shop for Fall 2017: Course Highlights

Published: March 15, 2017

Yes, it’s that time again folks! Time for Major League Baseball’s Spring Training, time for spring flowers to bloom, allergies to bloom along with them and most importantly, it’s time for all you new and continuing students to enroll for fall courses.

iStudent Blog

Career Environments — the Wide World of Possibilities for Your Master’s Degree

Published: February 7, 2017

Have you been daydreaming of that perfect job, even while you’re trying to get into the groove of the SJSU iSchool’s new semester? I’m not that far from graduation, so I’ve not only been daydreaming, but polishing up resumes, posting applications and practicing for interviews. If you’re not quite sure where you’re going with this MLIS or MARA degree, or even if you’re in one of the SJSU School of Information’s certificate programs then pack your virtual bags and take a tour around the iSchool’s website.

iStudent Blog

Continue to Learn Beyond the SJSU iSchool by Creating a Personal Learning Network

Published: February 1, 2017

One of the best things about the SJSU School of Information is that even while you’re learning in your pajamas and slippers, you’re not learning alone. Once you graduate, thanks to the skills you’ve acquired from the iSchool, you don’t stop learning, either. Through a variety of courses and resources, you can set up a personal learning network (hereafter referred to as a PLN).

iStudent Blog

Learn How to Get Published as a Student at the SJSU’s Publications Roundtable

istudent.peep_.laptop.desk_.jpgPublished: January 25, 2017

Here at the iSchool, we have a wide variety of opportunities for students to get published.

Research papers can be both a source of joy and for the pulling out of hair. Good research papers, however,  can be experienced by a wider audience when you submit your work to one of the SJSU iSchool’s student publications. Here at the iSchool, we have a several opportunities for students to get published.

iStudent Blog

Getting the Vote Out– The SJSU iSchool and the ALASC Host the 2018-19 ALA Presidential Candidates

Published: January 17, 2017

On January 9, 2017, the iSchool’s ALA student chapter (ALASC) kicked off the new year with an ALA candidate’s Town Hall Meeting.  SJSU School of Information’s Director Dr. Sandra Hirsh moderated the hour-long meeting, giving all three candidates the chance to introduce themselves, answer questions submitted previously by students and provide closing comments. The three candidates –  Loida Garcia-Febo, Terri Grief and Scott Walter – were all passionate about greater involvement and visibility for the ALA.

iStudent Blog

Shaping Your Skillset to Fit the Career of Your Dreams

Published: January 11, 2017

On November 9, 2016, the SJSU School of Information offered a career webinar presentation by Sally Gore. During the presentation, entitled “Supply and Demand: Matching Your Skills to the Information Needs of Today”, Gore gave tips on how to inventory your skills and think about what exactly makes you qualified for a job as a librarian or information professional.

iStudent Blog

The iSchool Community’s Favorite Reads for the New Year

Published: December 30, 2016

At the SJSU iSchool, it’s pretty much a given that anyone who is teaching or in a graduate level program in library and information science would be a bookworm. Or a Kindle worm. If you enjoy audiobooks and podcasts, would that make you an earworm? (The visual connotations are endless.) I was curious what my classmates and iSchool staff and faculty members were reading during their break, and so I asked them.