iStudent Blog


iStudent Blog

Students in all of our programs, as well as applicants, will find the iStudent Blog a gold mine. Written by a current student, this blog provides important information and resources and useful advice, including posts about courses, career pathways, online learning, time management, student groups, conferences, and financial aid.

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iStudent Blog

Students, Faculty and Staff Share their Plans for Winter Break

Published: December 20,2016

Woohoo! The semester is over, instructors are finishing up with their grading and we’re on to some holiday madness and hopefully some relaxation. In my typical end of the semester style, I finished up my final assignment for the second of my two classes, spent the next three days catching up on work and laundry and then promptly contracted a flu virus. I hope that your winter break is off to a better start.

iStudent Blog

Research Writing Advice from SJSU iSchool Experts

Published: November 16, 2016

As the semester is winding down (or is it winding up? I’ve got a lot of work to do!) many SJSU iSchool instructors require a big research paper as a final project. This can be a daunting proposition. Fear not, there is help! School of Information instructors and SJSU student publication editors have collaborated to provide you the best tips, advice and resources to make that final research paper a success.

iStudent Blog

A Day in My Life at the CLA Conference

Published: November 9, 2016

Tips and ideas for having a fulfilling, inspirational and informative conference experience from one student to another.

Here I go into the wild, blue library yonder! On November 5, I packed up my conference-going essentials and an entertaining audiobook to make the two-hour pilgrimage to Sacramento, California from my coastal hometown to attend the California Library Association (CLA) annual conference.

iStudent Blog

Spring 2017 Course Registration is in the Air this November at the SJSU iSchool

Published: October 27, 2016

Spring courses for 2017 offer flexibility and exciting new classes.

If you’re like me and most current students at the SJSU School of Information, you’re deep in the trenches of the fall semester, but now is the time to plan for the future. The spring semester course schedules have been posted and registration begins on November 1, 2016 by appointment for Regular Session students and November 8, 2016 for Special Session students. Registration closes on January 23, 2017 for all students.

iStudent Blog

Become Communication Savvy with RSS Feeds

Published: September 29, 2016

If you don’t want to miss a post from your favorite library blog or need to keep track of the iSchool’s new internship listings, then you need to become better acquainted with how to subscribe to blogs and listings through RSS feeds.

iStudent Blog

Fun and Creative Ways to Fund Your Education at the iSchool

Published: September 7, 2016

Both new and continuing students at SJSU’s School of Information continue to challenge the boundaries and limits of librarianship and creativity with their determination and ingenuity. Here are some inspiring examples and a few ways to flex your skills and passion to help pay your way through the program.

iStudent Blog

Your Best Sources of Advice for Graduate School — Featuring iSchool Faculty Experts

Published: August 25, 2016

SJSU’s School of Information faculty members are experts in their fields and hail from all over the United States and Canada. Just like you, they look forward to the beginning semester and want to get to know you, share their knowledge and expertise and challenge you to meet your full potential. To celebrate and get off to the right start, we asked some iSchool faculty to share their top tips for success in your graduate studies.

iStudent Blog

Expand Your Knowledge, Your Skills and Your Horizons: Post-Master’s Certificate

Published: July 20, 2016

If you’ve already completed a master’s program (my admiration to you) and you’d like to broaden your skillset or update your knowledge of current technology, then the iSchool’s Post-Master’s Certificate is a great way to take your library and information skills to the next level. With new students joining the program in both the fall and spring semesters, 42 information professionals have completed the certificate since 2012.

iStudent Blog

Creativity, Collaboration and Compassion at Library 2.016: Library as Classroom

Published: July 6, 2016

If you want to explore classroom learning beyond iSchool courses and find some of the best resources for your lifelong learning virtual library, look no further than Library 2.0 mini-conferences for 2016. Library 2.0 was co-founded by the SJSU School of Information and has been holding virtual conferences about libraries and technology since 2011. Whether you’re looking for presentations by iSchool faculty or exploring topics to help broaden your knowledge, you’ll probably find it in the Library 2.0 recording archives.