MARA Blog: Around the Web


MARA Blog: Around the Web


National Digital Stewardship Residency

Published: June 15, 2016 by Anna Maloney

Each year, the Library of Congress, Office of National and International Outreach, and the Institute of Museum and Library Services partners with host sites to sponsor the National Digital Stewardship Residency. The NDSR is designed to “provide a robust, hands-on learning experience to complement graduate-level training and education” (Library of Congress). Residents attend an immersive digital preservation workshop before being partnered with a host institution to work on digital stewardship projects. The program is open to recent graduates of graduate and doctoral programs related to libraries, archives, and museums.


Information Governance Institute

Published: May 25, 2016 by Anna Maloney

The Information Governance Institute, a community of IG professionals dedicated to advancing the adoption of IG practices and technologies, is a great resource for students interested in learning more about this emerged professional trend. By creating a user account, students can fully access articles, annual reports, and other resources, and even participate in the larger organizational conversation.


Turnball Library of New Zealand and Web 2.0

Published: April 2, 2016 by Anna Maloney

Archives 2.0 has been described as “an approach to archival practice that promotes openness and flexibility” and requires archivists to “be user centered and embrace opportunities to use technology to share collections, interact with users, and improve internal efficiency” (Theimer, 2011).


KMWorld Magazine

Published: February 8, 2016 by Anna Maloney

On January 31st, KMWorld, a leader in the content, document and knowledge management industries, published an article on knowledge management graduate programs.


The Records of “Making a Murderer”

Published: January 21, 2016 by Anna Maloney

If you have Netflix or a social media account, you have probably heard something about the sensational true crime docuseries Making a Murderer. The Netflix Original Series follows the case of Steven Avery, a Wisconsin man who spent 18 years in prison for rape and attempted murder, but whose conviction was overturned by DNA evidence in 2003.


Archivo Nacional de la Republica de Cuba

Published: November 2, 2015 by Anna Maloney

Earlier this year, the United States restored diplomatic relations with Cuba. To (belatedly) honor this milestone, and in a program-wide effort to engage in an international perspective on archiving, this month’s spotlight is on the Archivo Nacional de le Republica de Cuba (ARNAC).


Notable Archives: Coca-Cola

Published: September 24, 2015 by Anna Maloney

This semester the MARA blog will have a new feature: a monthly spotlight on a notable archives or records center. We will begin with the Coca-Cola Archives located in Atlanta, Georgia.


Interview with UN Chief of Archives and Records Management

Published: September 11, 2015 by Anna Maloney

The Huffington Post recently conducted a fascinating interview with Bridget Sisk, Chief of the United Nations Archives and Records Management Section. In the interview, Bridget discusses the management of the 60,000+ boxes of UN records. My favorite quote:

“I think people usually have this stereotypical view of archives as, sitting in a dusty old basement looking at paper all day, and actually that couldn’t be more further from the truth. We’re very much on the frontline.”


Draft of General Records Schedule 6.1

Published: August 10, 2015 by Darren Ilett

Over at Records Express, the official blog of the Office of the Chief Records Officer at the National Archives, Arian Ravanbakhsh announces a draft of the General Records Schedule 6.1.


State Historical Records Advisory Boards Celebrate 40 Years

Published: July 13, 2015 by Darren Ilett

The National Historical Publications & Records Commission (NHPRC) is celebrating 40 years of the State Historical Records Advisory Boards (SHRAB) this year. The SHRAB offer grants to smaller historical societies, museums, libraries, and colleges so that they can preserve their collections and make them accessible.