Career Blog: Networking
How to Get the Most from Handshake
Published: February 16, 2021 by Jillian Collins
If you read the first part of my interview with
Carrie McKnight, SJSU graduate student career counselor,
you’ll already know that Handshake is way more than
a smaller version of LinkedIn. That’s important because
although you may be a student now, you’re going to be looking for
a job sooner than you can imagine. In the meantime, you want to
make the most of every SJSU career resource you can, including
virtual career fairs, vetted position postings, and tools that
curate your profile to boost your visibility.
Carrie McKnight Wants You to Know…
Published: January 21, 2021 by Jillian Collins
Meet SJSU graduate student career counselor, Carrie McKnight. While we have entered 2021, my interview with her in December 2020 clued me in on three crucial career center tools. With Carrie insight, it’s much easier to turn career resolutions into reality. As Carrie said to me, “My job is to advocate for you guys because you guys do such great work.”
‘Free-sources’ for Your (Creative) Career Kit
Published: November 30, 2020 by Jillian Collins
It’s always a good time to maintain your career kit. You know that you need to tailor your template résumé and generic cover letter to specific job openings and keep your LinkedIn profile current, but how do you grab attention to create and build your personal brand? There are three online tools I use that I’d like to share with you because they’re easy to learn and use quickly, and they’re free! Those tools are 1) the LinkedIn Publishing Platform, 2) Canva graphic design platform, and 3) professional photographs from Unsplash.
Get to Know Your Network (and Let Them Get to Know You)
Published: November 13, 2020 by Jillian Collins
Effort makes for a great network. The networking bit is always a bit of a hurdle. It can be awkward to approach someone to be a mentor or join a group that appeals to your career aspirations. Career confidence in networking starts when you take initiative to get to know “your network” as individual people just like you.
Expand Your Network Online
Published: October 7, 2020 by iSchool Career Advisor
Learning how to find great information sources will go a long way towards making you a better student and LIS professional. Here’s how!
Networking and Your Personal Style
Published: September 29, 2020 by iSchool Career Advisor
We know that networking is the best job search strategy for tapping into the hidden job market but in reality, few people enjoy it or feel comfortable doing it. The thought of networking often conjures up the stereotype of being a schmoozer and feeling pressured to “work the room.” While attending a networking event and talking to as many people in the room as possible certainly works for some, here’s an alternate approach that could appeal to apprehensive networkers.
Networking — Asking the Right Questions
Published: September 27, 2020 by iSchool Career Advisor
Have you attended a conference and found that you were not as prepared as you’d like to have been with knowing what questions to ask employers or other professionals? We can help with that.
It can be difficult and uncomfortable when you can’t easily think of questions. Here are recommendations for subjects you may want to explore. Choose questions that feel right for you so you sound natural and conversational versus rehearsed.
Why You Should Join Professional Associations Now
Published: September 21, 2020 by iSchool Career Advisor
You know networking is good for future job prospects. It’s also good for future projects and opportunities (for example, maybe you’ll meet the perfect person to write a paper with or discover a panel or round table you want to participate in). Those projects and participatory experiences in turn grow your network, teach you new skills, and may help you land your dream job. Maybe you will meet someone with a job title you’ve never heard of and fall in love with it.
Master the Informational Interview to Explore and Connect
Published: September 13, 2020 by iSchool Career Advisor
Conducting informational interviews is a great way to learn about careers of interest, expand your knowledge of an industry, and increase your networking connections.
Join Student Chapters of Professional Organizations to Expand Your Network
Published: September 7, 2020 by iSchool Career Advisor
Happy back to school! Take advantage of student chapters of professional organizations to learn a lot and expand your network!
Wondering How to Market your iSchool Skills in the Unpredictable Future?
Published: April 12, 2020 by Greta Snyder
Hoping everyone is continuing to stay safe and healthy during this challenging and unpredictable time. The Covid-19 health crisis is impacting so many of us that right now that supporting each other as LIS professionals is more crucial than ever. Take pride in your skills, especially as an SJSU iSchool student, as you’ve mastered the world of virtual learning, connecting and working remotely so your infinitely equipped with the tools to succeed in the unpredictable future and changing job landscape. One thing you can count on is that organizations are going to be scrambling to adapt to an online format and you can help. In fact, you’re a pro! So know you can ride every crashing wave and survive with your hard-earned skills and enduring resiliency.
Career Questions Amidst the Health Crisis: You’re Not Alone
Published: April 12, 2020 by Greta Snyder
Career questions? Then, you’ve come to the right place: this blog is dedicated to providing resources for current students, recent graduates and practicing professionals. I hope you and your loved ones and community are staying as healthy and safe as possible during this scary, challenging and unpredictable time. If you feel like you’re on your own that’s totally natural anytime and especially right now amidst the Covid-19 crisis. Keep assured that you’re not alone and you’ve got a strong system of virtual support through SJSU iSchool. Reach out to the faculty and staff if you are impacted and have questions about best practices for your organization or how to keep up balancing work, life and coursework during this time. And keep up to date with career advice, job hunting and virtual work strategies and online career development opportunities through the Career Blog. I’m here for you!
Working and Applying for Jobs During Covid-19? A few tips.
Published: April 2, 2020 by Greta Snyder
Hoping everyone is staying safe and healthy! This health crisis is impacting so many of us that right now we have to play it day-by-day. For those job-hunting, or unsure about the future of their current workplace amidst this tenuous situation, this is a particularly stressful, unpredictable time in the job market. The good news is that as an SJSU MLIS or MARA student, you have proven success working online and remotely in both collaborative and independent roles, and as an up-and-coming LIS professional with work or internship experience in the field, you might also have demonstrated expertise providing information resources to support your community. These skills are more important than ever, so while applying for jobs or starting to look due to current workplace instability, it’s essential to focus on how you might be able to benefit others by leveraging your iSchool LIS skills during this global crisis and make a positive impact.
Free, Online iSchool Career Workshops: What Are You Waiting For?
Published: February 27, 2020 by Greta Snyder
Drum roll please. The answer is the next one! Did you know the SJSU iSchool offers free, online iSchool Career Workshops? It’s time to get the most out of your iSchool experience by learning from the ultimate career resource, iSchool Career Consultant Jill Klees. If you missed this month’s workshop “Your LIS Career Starts Here,” this post will catch you up and prepare you for the next workshop slated to be March 4, 2020 5-6pm PT, focusing on informational interviews. So, take the reins and jump start your career with iSchool Career Workshops: free, live, recorded and awesome.
Exploring iSchool Opportunities Beyond the Classroom
Published: February 6, 2020 by Greta Snyder and guest blogger Karen Pfeffer
With the semester in full throttle, you’re becoming a pro at juggling school, work and life. Be confident that you can continue to grow as a multi-tasking pro and take on one of the most rewarding and best career-building parts of SJSU iSchool: opportunities beyond the classroom. You’ve got to get extra-curricular to really take full advantage of your experience at iSchool.
Want to Hear Some Great Advice? Listen to the Career Podcasts
Published: January 22, 2019 by Greta Snyder
If there’s anything binge worthy this Spring, it’s the SJSU iSchool Career Podcasts. The host, iSchool Career Consultant Kim Dority, is such an engaging interviewer of her LIS all-star series of guests that I have favorited them all on YouTube and you should too. Read this post to find out why.
Job Hunting in 2020? Join Me!
Published: January 9, 2019 by Greta Snyder
Is the new year the time for your next career move? It’s always good to keep your eyes open for opportunities, but when the pressure is on to find a new job everyone could use some tips and inspiration. Join me as a share my what I learn in my job seeking process as a new LIS professional.
2020: The Year of Time Management and Self-Care
Published: December 28, 2019 by Greta Snyder
Self-care might be a trending buzzword, but that’s for a good reason. In today’s working world, boundaries with technology can be tricky to navigate. While the Internet and portable, relatively affordable or freely accessible technology increasingly put information and communication at our fingertips, the downside, however, to this infinite access is that it also means we feel like we have to be available and working all the time.
Celebrating 2019: Looking Forward to 2020 at SJSU iSchool
Published: December 19, 2019 by Greta Snyder
It truly was a December to remember at SJSU iSchool. So join the celebration with a News and Blogs recap video.
Feeling Festive? Let’s Celebrate SJSU iSchool
Published: December 2, 2019 by Greta Snyder
With holidays and the end of the semester on the horizon, it’s hard not get into the festive spirit. Fall semester has been super busy, so take a minute to relax and celebrate SJSU iSchool with a September, October and November SJSU iSchool News and Blogs recap video.