iStudent Blog: Professional Development


iStudent Blog: Professional Development

iStudent Blog

Indigenous Community Leaders in Libraries Today
Native American Heritage Month Symposium

Donna Cossett

Published: February 5, 2023 by Eori Tokunaga

In honor of Native American Heritage Month, the San José State University iSchool hosted a free online symposium on November 29th, 2022, titled “Honoring the Historical and Current Lives of Indigenous People.” The symposium featured keynote speaker Donna Cossette, Registrar for the Churchill County Museum and Archives; keynote speaker Lynette Dial, Library Director for Hoke County Public Library; Kim Sellers, Associate Professor at UNC Pembroke; and Melissa Stoner, Native American Studies Librarian at University of California, Berkeley. 

iStudent Blog

How Our Latinx and Spanish-Speaking Communities Continue to Positively Impact Libraries Today

Dr. Romelia Salias

Published: November 18, 2022 by Eori Tokunaga

In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, the San José State University iSchool presented an EDI symposium on October 11th, 2022, titled “Unifying the Information Community,” featuring keynote speaker REFORMA 2022-2023 National President Dr. Romelia Salinas; David Lopez, Marketing and Communications Librarian for Orange County Public Library; Roma Calatayud-Stocks, award-winning author; Madeline Peña Feliz, Associate Director for Los Angeles Public Library, Mario Ascencio, College Librarian and Managing Director at Art Center College of Design, Dr. Michele Villagran, Assistant Professor at SJSU iSchool; and Jose Aguiñaga, Assistant Professor at SJSU iSchool.

iStudent Blog

The Power of Libraries and Social Media

Published: November 4, 2022 by Kesheena Doctor

As a budding librarian, library news is consistently present on my social media feeds. While these types of posts rarely make their way into the general population’s feed, library news involving one of the biggest pop stars in the world will spread far and wide!

iStudent Blog

A Trip to DC for the 2022 ALA Annual Conference

iSchool exhibit booth at 2022 ALA Annual Conference

Published: July 12, 2022 by Alicia Perez

This past year for me has been a rush of information, opportunity, and comradery. I did not think at this point last year that I would be in the middle of a summer graduate course, working towards my MLIS, and have the opportunity to travel and experience a conference to see my fellow peers, potential co-workers, trending authors and illustrators, and more! Thanks to the generosity of San José State University’s iSchool travel grant, I was able to visit Washington, DC this past June 25th to 26th to see the first annual conference held by the American Library Association post-COVID-19 quarantine. 

iStudent Blog

Dipping Your Toes in the Water: Conference Poster Presentation as an iSchool Student

Chicago Riverwalk

Published: May 4, 2022 by Laura Darlington

In April, the Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) held their 50th annual conference in Chicago, and I had the pleasure of attending and presenting thanks to the SJSU iSchool. Last year, I logged on to ARLIS/NA’s virtual conference, yet after two years of remote learning and pandemic isolation, I felt eager for an in-person experience.

iStudent Blog

Scholarly Research: Publishing and Presenting

Published March 2, 2022 by Hilary Meehan

Hello, SJSU iStudent virtual community! I’m Hilary (she/her/hers), your new iStudent blogger. I look forward to addressing your school-related information needs effectively and comprehensively. Additionally, I encourage you to communicate to me your ideas, comments, questions, and concerns regarding the blog. You may use the comment box at the bottom of each blog post or contact me directly at I look forward to hearing from you and commit myself to respond to your messages. 

iStudent Blog

Attending Professional Conferences as a Student

Published: October 25, 2021 by Leslie Parry

I recently attended my first professional association conference as a San José State University School of Information student. I’ll admit I was a little apprehensive. Would I be out of my depth? Would there be other attendees like me – students, newly arrived to the profession – and would our curiosity be welcome in lieu of experience? Thankfully, the Special Libraries Association Annual Conference (held virtually in August) helped relieve some of my impostor syndrome. I attended fascinating programs, met multidisciplinary professionals around the world and participated in fun icebreakers from the comfort of my living room. 

iStudent Blog

Get a Jump-Start With Summer Opportunities

Published: May 26, 2021 by Leslie Parry

The end of the semester is here! For months we’ve been rearranging our lives and work around the pandemic, keeping up with our studies, and waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel. Now it’s time to take a break and celebrate! For those who are looking to keep up momentum during the summer, there are plenty of ways to stay engaged. From summer classes to networking opportunities to simply getting organized, here are ideas for enhancing your iSchool experience over summer break.

iStudent Blog

The Art of Self-Promotion

Published: March 31, 2021 by Leslie Parry

Networking and self-promotion can be challenging enough in a regular environment, but how do you excel at either during a pandemic? How can you make yourself indispensable during a time of unrelenting change? At a recent event hosted by the Special Libraries Association student chapter, School of Information alumna Tess McCarthy (MLIS ’12) explained how students can use this unprecedented time to their advantage. As a digital asset management systems librarian and self-described career transitionist, McCarthy shared her own professional trajectory, including the many ways she had to get creative in the COVID era. Here are her methods for positioning yourself well for professional advancement, even during quarantine.

iStudent Blog

10 Ways to Build Career Opportunities as a Student

Published: February 7, 2021 by Leslie Parry

Last semester the San José State University Special Libraries Association student chapter presented “Building Career Opportunities in Graduate School,” a program featuring Kim Dority, career advisor at the School of Information. Dority, who is also the founder and president of Dority & Associates, an information strategy and content development company, gave a generous and insightful presentation about the ways in which iSchool students can start preparing for their future professions now. From keeping a journal to engaging professionals to practicing small talk, she says even small actions can make a big difference. It takes some planning, initiative and resourcefulness, but maximizing your time in graduate school will pay off in the end. Below are Dority’s top 10 tips for building career opportunities as an iSchool student.

iStudent Blog

Spotlight on: REFORMA Student & Alumni Group

Published: November 16, 2020 by Leslie Parry

The newest student group at the San José State University School of Information, REFORMA Student & Alumni Group, is only a few months old but already boasts a strong membership base, a busy event calendar and a vibrant presence in the iSchool community. The brainchild of Assistant Professor Dr. Michele Villagran, who serves as faculty advisor, the group seeks to connect students and graduates who are interested in working with Latinx and Spanish-speaking communities. Drawing on resources from the national REFORMA association as well as from local REFORMA chapters, the Student & Alumni Group is focused on building a supportive community and positioning students to be well-connected, culturally competent professionals upon graduation. MLIS student Rosa Rodriguez, who serves as president, highlights the group’s unique initiatives and opportunities.

iStudent Blog

Don’t Miss: The SJSU iSchool’s Diversity Webcast Series

Published: October 12, 2020 by Leslie Parry

The fantastic 2020 diversity webcast series continues its run through the fall. If you haven’t already, you can check out past episodes through the SJSU iSchool Podcast Feed via Apple Podcasts, SJSU iSchool YouTube Channel and iSchool On-Demand Webcasts Portal. Under the direction of Dr. Michele Villagran, Chair of the Diversity Committee for the SJSU School of Information, the eight-part series features a variety of speakers discussing equity, social justice, cultural competency and other issues as they relate to information service. 

iStudent Blog

Library Conferences Go Virtual

Published: September 16, 2020 by Havilah Joy-Steinman Bakken

Each incoming student at the iSchool at San José State University has the opportunity to join one professional association free of cost for one year. This perk of enrollment in the program offers returns in spades depending on the level of involvement each particular student chooses to dedicate to their chosen association. During my first semester in the MLIS program at the iSchool, I chose to join the American Library Association (ALA), and have remained a member since. Founded on October 6, 1876, during the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, ALA is a pillar of librarianship ethics and best practices and remains on the cutting edge of information technology. This has never been more true now during the time of the pandemic when ALA seamlessly moved their annual conference online.

iStudent Blog

Equip Yourself for a Successful Summer!

Published: June 12, 2020 by Havilah Joy-Steinman Bakken

Summer is here, and while it may look different from what we expect, this is an excellent time to get equipped for a fabulous library and information science career. Whether you’re just starting summer classes, getting geared up for the e-Portfolio or about to start classes in the fall, check out this roundup of virtual events and resources below to jump start, or continue to evolve, your experience in the library and information science profession! 

iStudent Blog

Internet Me Is Doing Great by ALASC

Published: May 1, 2020 by Havilah Steinman

With the majority of people at home during the pandemic, social media has become even more pervasive in the way we interact, build community and job search. San José State University iSchool’s American Library Association Student Chapter (ALASC) recently hosted the live virtual webinar, Internet Me Is Doing Great, and the recording is now viewable on their YouTube channel. See below for highlights of this timely and informative event!

iStudent Blog

Free Library 2.0 Conference on March 10th

Published: March 1, 2019 by Havilah Steinman

Conferences are paramount for information professionals to keep up with current trends, but they can also be costly and time-consuming. As a founding member of Library 2.0, the San José State University iSchool thinks outside the box to bring professional enrichment to not only their students and alum, but to librarians all over the world. The highly-attended mini-conference series, Library 2.019 Emerging Technology, offered attendees fantastic insight, and all of the content is available for free on the Library 2.0 website.

iStudent Blog

Dr. Michael Stephens and the Power of Stories

Published: February 1, 2020 by Havilah Steinman

The Special Library Association Student Chapter is well known for facilitating engaging events for all those connected to San José State University’s iSchool. Last Fall, they had the opportunity to host Dr. Michael Stephens, who shared about his recent publication Wholehearted Librarianship: Finding Hope, Inspiration, and Balance. This is his second publication with the American Library Association and, whether you’re a brand new librarian or a veteran, the ideas and encouragement set out in his pages are sure to impact your daily experiences at work. The recording of the event can be viewed here.

iStudent Blog

Global Records Management for Aquariums and Zoos

Published: November 16, 2019 by Havilah Steinman

Hello from the San José State University’s iSchool! One incredibly enriching part of the Masters of Archives and Records Administration (MARA) program are guest lectures, which introduce students to industry professionals several times a semester. Patricia Franks, MARA program coordinator and professor at the iSchool, recently shared “MARA graduates possess the knowledge and skills to pursue careers in a variety of industries. Positions are available in the pharmaceutical industry for those interested in developing, planning and implementing strategies to standardize the management of information contained within documents, computer applications, information systems, and/or other media.”

iStudent Blog

MARA Student Laura Froelke’s Internship Launches New Career Insight

Published: October 28, 2019 by Havilah Steinman

Internships are central to a well-rounded student experience in San José State University iSchool’s many programs. Because of the nature of an online program, internships are a key aspect of gaining important contacts in a student’s chosen field. This is so important, in fact, that all successful graduates of the Master of Archives and Records Administration program complete an internship or an equivalent. Laura Froelke, MARA student set to graduate spring 2020, recently completed an internship at the Oregon State Archives, leading to influential and exciting career opportunities.