There’s always a lot happening at our school. Stay in the know
about award wins, scholarship announcements, curriculum updates,
research grants, books published, career promotions, and more
good news!
The School of Information at San José State University first
offered INFO 281 Seminar in Contemporary Issues: Crisis/Disaster
Health Informatics in 2012. The course, popular with students of
the Master of
Library and Information Science and Master of Science in Informatics programs,
explores the interconnectedness of information, people and
technologies in a crisis or disaster (e.g.
The School of Information at San José State University is pleased
to announce the winner of the 2020 Ken Haycock Award for Exceptional
Professional Promise is Sharaya Olmeda, who completed the
Master of
Library and Information Science program and graduated Summa
Cum Laude in December 2019. This coveted recognition is awarded
annually by peers and faculty of the iSchool’s Student Awards and
Scholarship Committee.
San José State University School of Information instructor
Wong has been elected 2021–2022 president-elect of the
American Library Association. As ALA president, Wong, currently
director of library services/city librarian for the Santa Monica
Public Library in California, will be the chief elected officer
for the oldest and largest library association in the world. She
will serve as president-elect for one year before moving into her
role as president at the close of the 2021 ALA Annual Conference.
The San José State University School of
Information announces the addition of Darra L. Hofman, a
new tenure-track faculty member that will join its diverse
and award-winning
Professor Lili Luo and Assistant
Professor Deborah Hicks of the School of Information at San
José State University were recently awarded grants for their
exemplary research efforts, bringing accolades to the iSchool and
joining an extensive
list of innovative faculty research activities.
The San José State University School of Information announces a
change in leadership effective March 16, 2020. Dr. Sandra Hirsh
is transitioning from her role as director and professor at the
iSchool to associate dean for academics in the SJSU College of
Professional and Global Education.
“Serving as the iSchool director over the last 10 years has been
the highlight of my career! I am very proud of what we have
accomplished during this period,” Hirsh stated.
The San José State University School of Information’s
Diversity Committee recently launched its Diversity Webinar
Series as part of its commitment to support diversity and
inclusivity. The series is being organized by Assistant Professor
Michele Villagran, who serves as chair of the Diversity Committee.
The San José State University School of Information recognized
the exceptional contributions and instruction made by staff and
faculty members at the 2020 awards reception, held on February
10, 2020 at the SJSU Student Union. Candidates were nominated by
fellow iSchool staff and faculty members, and by self-nomination.
Dr. Hongbo Zou is the 16th graduate of the Gateway PhD
program, an international doctoral program offered through the
San Jose State University School of Information. He celebrated
the milestone by traveling to Queensland University of Technology
in Brisbane, Australia to attend the graduation ceremony.
The San José State University School of Information sponsored its
fourth community poster session featuring alumni and student
presenters during the California Library Association’s
annual conference, held in October 2019. A gallery of the
poster presentations from the CLA session and past sessions
highlights the important work iSchool alumni and students are
doing in their communities.
Two alumni and one student from the San José State University
School of Information are among the 50 people selected by
the American Library
Association to participate in its Emerging
Leaders Program in 2020.