Webcast Speakers
Dawn Frood
Former Collection Development Librarian and Liaison Coordinator, Florida Atlantic University Libraries
Dawn Frood is the former Collection Development Librarian and Liaison Coordinator for Florida Atlantic University Libraries. She has worked at FAU for 5 years. Dawn earned an M.L.I.S. from the University of South Florida in 2007 and an M.S. in Information Systems and Technology in 2017. She has held several leadership positions within the Palm Beach Library Association that include: Vice-President, President and Immediate Past President. She has also represented Academic Libraries on the PBCLA Board of Directors.
Homayoon “Amir” Abtahi
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Florida Atlantic University
Homayoon “Amir” Abtahi, is currently an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Florida Atlantic University. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from M.I.T. in 1981 and joined Florida Atlantic University in 1983. In addition to his academic activity, he has a wealth of practical experience, much of which has been obtained as a practicing design-build engineer installing solar energy systems.
Loida Garcia-Febo
SJSU iSchool Health and Wellness Ambassador
Loida Garcia-Febo is a Puerto Rican American librarian and International Library Consultant expert in library services to diverse populations and human rights with 25 years of experience. President of the American Library Association 2018-2019. Garcia-Febo is worldwide known for her passion about diversity, communities, sustainability, innovation and digital transformation, library workers, library advocacy, wellness for library workers, and new librarians about which she has taught in 45 countries.
Leah Plocharczyk
Director, MacArthur Campus Library
Leah Plocharczyk is a University Librarian and the Director of the MacArthur Campus Library where she oversees library operations. She has published articles and book chapters on subjects about managing conflict in libraries, literacy support for individuals with intellectual disabilities, creative library outreach, and library collaboration with marine mammal stranding networks. She is the co-author of the book, Libraries and Reading: Intellectual Disability and the Extent of Library Diversity. She is active in mentoring students and library outreach. Her areas are
Kristin M. Jacobi
Retired, J. Eugene Smith Library
Librarian Emeritus Kris Jacobi spent the last 26 years as a tenured library faculty member at Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, Connecticut. Kris was Head of the Cataloging Department and chief original cataloging librarian. During her tenure, she was elected President of the New England Library Association and elected as President of the campus AAUP (American Association of University Professors) Chapter.
Nick Buron
Chief Librarian, Queens Library
Nick Buron is the Chief Librarian for the Queens Library. He oversees all library services in the 66 Queens Library locations, including programming, outreach and collections. He has been with the Queens Library since 1993 when he started as a front line librarian. In 2016, he moved into his current position. Nick has direct and indirect supervision for over 700 employees. He assesses current needs and plans for the future service needs of the community.
Iryna Karnaukh
Chief Librarian, V. H. Korolenko State Scientific Library of Kharkiv
Iryna Karnaukh is a Ukrainian research librarian, network information analyst, youth worker, educator at the School of Library Journalism, tutor of distance learning courses for librarians, member of the Kharkiv Regional Branch of the Ukrainian Library Association.
She has more than 20 years of experience: worked in public libraries, the library of one private university, and the Kharkiv Educational Library. Since 2012, she has been working at V. H. Korolenko State Scientific Library of Kharkiv.
Natalia Petrenko
Director, V. H. Korolenko State Scientific Library of Kharkiv
Natalia Petrenko is the Director of V. H. Korolenko State Scientific Library of Kharkiv, Head of the Kharkiv Regional Branch of the Ukrainian Library Association, an all-Ukrainian public organization.
Research interests: automation of library and bibliographic processes, digitization of documents, history of librarianship, popularization of reading.
Harriet Wintermute
Chair of Acquisitions, Cataloging, Metadata, and E-Resources at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Harriet Wintermute received her MLIS from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in 2011. She also holds a Graduate Certificate in Special Collections (UIUC, 2011), and a Post Master’s Certificate in Digital Archives and Records Management (SJSU, 2014). Harriet has worked in cataloging/metadata at various academic libraries since 2009.
Dr. Blanche Woolls
Professor Emerita, San José State University
Blanche Woolls is a graduate of Indiana University where she holds a bachelors in fine arts and a masters and doctorate in library and information science. She began her professional career as a school librarian in Hammond, Indiana in a K-8 elementary school with 1,245 students. She was appointed the first coordinator of school libraries in that city and served for two years until she moved to Roswell, New Mexico as coordinator there.
Katie McNamara
Teacher Librarian, Director of Teacher Librarian Program, Fresno Pacific University
Katie McNamara serves as a teacher librarian at a public high school in California, director of the Teacher Librarian Program at Fresno Pacific University, and various EDU boards. She is a Google Certified Innovator and AASL Tech Troubadour. She served as president of the California School Library Association (2020-2021). Katie has authored contributing chapters and published many journal articles. She has won numerous awards for being innovative and sharing content.
Jonathan Hunt
Lead Coordinator of Library Media Services, San Diego County Office of Education
Jonathan Hunt has been Lead Coordinator of Library Media Services at the San Diego County Office of Education for the past ten years. In that role, he has provided coaching, technical assistance, and professional learning to forty-two local school districts. Prior to that role, Jonathan was in a variety of positions that allowed him to serve as a classroom teacher for grades 4-8 and as a teacher librarian for grades K-12. He also served for three years as the Vice President of Professional Development of the California School Library Association.
Dr. Bobbie Sartin Long
Assistant Professor, Emporia State University
Dr. Bobbie Sartin Long is an Assistant Professor at Emporia State University who is passionate about library services for underserved populations. Her research centers around early literacy storytimes for deaf and hard of hearing (D/HoH) children and how public librarians can modify programs like Every Child Ready to Read to meet the needs of D/HoH children and children with disabilities.
Dr. Rhonda Jennings-Arey
Assistant Professor, University of Virginia
Dr. Rhonda Jennings-Arey has over twenty years of teaching experience at the K-12 level. She started to love teaching when she tutored Food/Nutrition to Gallaudet students during her senior year and cooking classes during the summers when Gallaudet had a camp for CODA kids. She worked as a Bus Aide for Kendall Demonstration Elementary School before deciding to major in Deaf Education.
Dr. Mary Bolin
Gateway PhD Program Coordinator & Full-Time Lecturer, SJSU School of Information
Mary K. Bolin is a full-time Lecturer in the SJSU School of Information and an Emeritus Professor in the University Libraries at the University of Nebraska—Lincoln, where she served as Chair of the Technical Services Department and as a Catalog and Metadata Librarian. She is an Emeritus Fellow of the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities. She completed her PhD in Education in 2007. Dr. Bolin is one of the founding editors of the peer-reviewed electronic journal Library Philosophy and Practice.
Svitlana Kravchenko
Head of Scientific and Methodical Department, Yaroslav Mudryi National Library of Ukraine
I am 47. I received a professional education (Tulchyn School of Culture, now the Professional College of Culture, Kyiv State University of Culture and Arts, now the National University of Culture and Arts). At first, I started my career at the library as a 2nd category methodologist, afterwards worked as a category 1 methodologist, a leading methodologist, and a chief librarian having been managing the department since June 2022.
Sebastian Majstorovic
Digital Historian & Data Scientist, Co-Founder of Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO)
Sebastian Majstorovic is a Digital Historian, Data Scientist and one of the co-founders of Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO). Sebastian studied History, Film Studies, and East European area studies at Queen Mary University of London and University College London. He is currently finishing his PhD in History at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. His digital fields of expertise are geospatial visualization, audiovisual sources and applied AI.
Quinn Dombrowski
Academic Technology Specialist in the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages at Stanford University
Quinn Dombrowski is the Academic Technology Specialist in the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, and in the Library, at Stanford University, and has been involved with the international digital humanities community since 2007.
Oleh Serbin
General Director, Yaroslav Mudryy National library of Ukraine
Oleh Serbin, Ukrainian librarian, doctor of science in social communications, candidate of historical sciences, senior researcher, acting. General Director Yaroslav Mudryy National Library of Ukraine, Professor of the Department of Information Technologies of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts and the Department of Archiving and Special Branches of Historical Science of the Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University. Leading specialist in the field of systematization, indexing and library and information classifications in Ukraine.
Deb Seys
Senior Director of Learning & Communities, Alation
Deb Seys, Alation’s Sr. Dir., Learning & Communities, has a Master of Library and Information Science from the University of California, Berkeley. Previously, she led data and information management, discovery and search efforts at companies including eBay, Kaiser Permanente, and HP Labs.