Community Profiles


Community Profiles

Get to know our students, alumni and instructors by reading about their backgrounds, interests, professional goals, favorite courses, accomplishments, careers, and more fascinating experiences. These stories cover a wide range of topics and showcase the talents of our vibrant global community. 

Community Profile

Nilo Sarraf Takes Smart Data to the Next Level

“I see it as my responsibility, while I’m alive, to do something that can… contribute to the body of information science knowledge.”

Nilo Sarraf
San Francisco, California
San José Gateway PhD Student
Expected Degree Confirmation August 2016

Community Profile

Tom Schween Rocks Digital Storytime

“I wanted to make a difference and be of service. I wanted to promote things I valued and cared about, such as stories, the arts, reading and lifelong learning.”

Tom Schween
Walnut Creek, California
MLIS Student, Expected Graduation Spring 2017

Community Profile

Melissa Solis Connects the Dots: Library, Literacy and Community

“Anyone in a library degree program would really benefit from volunteering in an adult literacy program in a local library. Understand the people in your neighborhood, and understand different educational experiences: not everyone gets the same opportunity.”

Melissa Solis
San Diego, California 
MLIS Student, Expected Graduation 2016

Community Profile

All San José Libraries Are Mary Nino’s Libraries

“More and more, libraries—public as well as academic—are becoming places of community, places where people gather, where they display what they’ve created, where they work to create and collaborate. It’s really fascinating: it’s really about community.”

Mary Nino
Associate Dean, SJSU King Library
iSchool Alumna and International Advisory Council Member

Community Profile

In Times of Crisis, Student Naomi Fuhrman Deploys with the Standby Task Force

“There’s no better moment to look at all of humanity than a conflict, [which] brings out the best and worst in people. When it comes down to it, the idea that I’d get to work with people doing the best of things was a pretty nice idea.”

Naomi Fuhrman
Marin County, California
MLIS Student, Expected Graduation Winter 2015

Community Profile

Career Changer Darren Ilett Builds a Model for Success

“The thing that draws me to libraries,” says San José State University School of Information student Darren Ilett, “is the focus on service and making a positive impact for whatever communities we serve. And the emphasis on education.”

Community Profile

Patrick Sweeney is Every Librarian

Patrick Sweeney, a 2007 San José State University School of Information alumnus, spends his hour-long train ride to and from work each day thinking about libraries.

Community Profile

Virtual Collaboration with the iSchool’s Diverse Community Leads Yolande Wilburn on an LIS Adventure

Yolande Wilburn always wanted to go back to school for a master’s degree, and she looked to her own childhood for career inspiration. “I love the library, grew up there as a child, and found it to be a great way to escape,” Wilburn says. “My family wasn’t wealthy, and I’d go to the library and read all I could about places, and it was like being there.”

Community Profile

Writers of the Student Research Journal

Have you ever dreamed of being published in a respected library and information science (LIS) journal—but didn’t think you had enough writing experience? SRJ (the Student Research Journal, pronounced “surge”) is a peer-reviewed, open access iSchool publication that welcomes submissions from students from all LIS graduate schools. That means you.