Community Profiles


Community Profiles

Get to know our students, alumni and instructors by reading about their backgrounds, interests, professional goals, favorite courses, accomplishments, careers, and more fascinating experiences. These stories cover a wide range of topics and showcase the talents of our vibrant global community. 

Community Profile

Sisters Share MLIS Studies, Pursue Individual Librarianship Paths

“We feel lucky to be a part of the library world. Librarians are such a loving group of people, and our iSchool experience has been great so far!”

Kelsey Flynn
MLIS Student 
(degree expected spring 2021)
Adult Services Specialist, Lockport Library
Lockport, Illinois

Korey Flynn
MLIS Student 
(degree expected spring 2021)
Adult and Teen Services Specialist, Woodridge Library
Woodridge, Illinois

Community Profile

Community Archives Volunteer Looks Forward to Career in Librarianship

 “I really enjoy connecting youth and family to their favorite things while finding pathways to empower them. Librarianship is a career that will let me connect those things as well as also allow me to serve my community on a larger level.”

Monica Vega Latona
MLIS Student (degree expected spring 2020)
Library Assistant, Sacramento Public Library
Sacramento, California

Community Profile

Catching Up With Dr. Michele Villagran

“As we continue to work in diverse workplaces, we have to consider how our own understanding, practices and behaviors impact how effective we are in our interactions.”

Michele A.L. Villagran, Ed.D, MSLS, MBA., MDR.
Assistant Professor, SJSU School of Information
CEO and President, CulturalCo, LLC
Alhambra, California

Community Profile

MLIS Graduate Finds Home in Academic Librarianship

“Volunteering counts, too! You don’t need to rely only on internships to gain library work experience.”

Jerry Limberg, ‘17 MLIS 
Librarian, Saddleback Community College
Adjunct Professor, Palomar Community College
Carlsbad, California

Community Profile

MLIS Student Finds Success Taking a Non-Traditional Path

“Prospective students may think that an online program means students will be isolated and alone in their work. I’ve made great friends! They’ve been so supportive both in and outside of my classes.”​

Rachel Hatcher
MLIS Student (degree expected 2021)
Library Technician, Santa Barbara Unified School District
Santa Barbara, California

Community Profile

MLIS Student Focuses on Community in Library Outreach

“The fact that I can stay ahead of the undergraduate students who walk through my library’s doors says so much about the quality of what the iSchool is teaching us.”

Rosa Conrad
MLIS Student (degree expected 2021)
Library Services Specialist, California State University San Marcos
Fallbrook, CA

Community Profile

iSchool Alumna Explores Both Archives and Public Librarianship After Graduation

“One of the reasons I chose to do SJSU’s program was because I needed to continue to work. There was no way that I could just go to school full time, and SJSU is really flexible in that regard. One semester I took five classes, worked, did the e-Portfolio and I look back and don’t know how I did it, but somehow I made it all work.”​

Patricia Delara  
Librarian, Daly City Public Library
Daly City, CA​